Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Where Do These Fascist Freaks Come From?

Barack Obama's nominee for "regulatory czar" has advocated a "Fairness Doctrine" for the Internet that would require opposing opinions be linked and also has suggested angry e-mails should be prevented from being sent by technology that would require a 24-hour cooling off period. [More]
Chains we can believe in. The weird thing is, it's like they're trying to be outrageous.


  1. When all you have is a law degree, every problem looks like it needs a new law to fix it.

  2. I was about to say "unbelievable," but on reflection, it's entirely too believable.

    Wasn't there a Land of the Free around here somewhere, once?

  3. anti hunting, pro letting animals sue in court, removing portions of the 1st amdt, what a winner. I love how "democracy" is forcing THEIR views on you while removing access to opposition views. I love the language rapists!

    Since we're watching history repeat maybe it's time that the czars were done away with again.

  4. sstraightarrow4/28/2009 1:18 PM

    And in the same manner,Tom?

  5. when all you have is a law degree, you still need an education.

    i'm more concerned about where they're headed than where they came from.

  6. The cycle starts again. . . . Most empires only last 200-300 years. Our time as the Great Political Experiment in Republicanism (the concept, not the party) is up. Time to have a Second American Revolution, and free ourselves, not from Great Britain, but from, OURSELVES.

    B Woodman
    SSG (Ret) US Army

  7. Now we know what Barney Franks' roomate looks like.

  8. Works for me SA. As the song goes "by any means necessary"

  9. Sounds good to me!

    I want a link to this website from the White House's "Urban Policy" page.

  10. We have a group of people who are fantastic bull shitters and they got to do their bull shitting unchecked by a media that needs to be put on trial for treason.
    These people are political activist with Karl Marx dear to their hearts.
    What we are seeing is history repeat itself as a free nation becomes enslaved to evil. We as reasonable and open minded, thinking Americans watch this on coming attack on everything American in shock because the general population is out to lunch. The reason the large part of the American population is out to lunch is the evil who has engineered this plan of attack on American are good at it having do it to many countries.

  11. David,
    Feel free not to allow this to be posted.

    To Mr Cass Sunstein,

    How bout a nice steaming cup of shut the fuck up!

    There's some fairness doctrine for ya.



  12. Tom, SA, I say we give the czars the Rasputin treatment.

  13. I move that the entire Bill of Rights shall not be infringed.
    I second the motion. I vote in favor.

    Give me liberty, or I'll get up and get it myself.
    Give me liberty, or don't be standing between me and it.
    Oooh, is this an "angry" posting? Your damn right it is.
    They are determined to do one thing that I can see: piss off EVERYBODY.
    ROLL those WiFi free-speech detector vans. Free body work, interior detailing and driver education classes.

  14. Next: Cass Sunstein condemns salad bars. Bean sprout torture! They're living, growing things! Eaten alive, digested before they die! Oh, the botany!
    Looking at his photo, you can almost hear Archie Bunker say "Button it, Meathead!"

  15. Cass Sunstein is a classic example that education doesn't necessarily equate with intelligence.

  16. they are trying to be outrageous. the more outrageous they are when they first propose a new "solution" lets them take the high road when they back off partially and offer to compromise. they give up nothing, we lose everything. eventually.

  17. Deadcenter, you hit it dead center.
    Have people learned anything since 9/11, since Waco? Reasonable restrictions aren't. Enough Lilliputian threads bound Gulliver the giant into total immobility.
    That reminds me. 1941. Pearl Harbor. Sleeping giant, terrible resolve.

  18. "angry e-mails should be prevented from being sent by technology that would require a 24-hour cooling off period."
    Mr. Sunshine, like most academics, hasn't thought it through. When people are angry enough, they find a way to deliver their message, like in person. Rather than have people feel offended or threatened -- sometimes for good cause -- he wants them ACTUALLY threatened, or injured, or dead.
    Then they can put the whole Internet in Protected Mode. Nothing objectionable can be seen. Tapioca pudding. The beige, bland surveillance-society Cocteau Plan world of "Demolition Man."
    A LOT of us are going to be fined for violation of the Verbal Morality Statute.

  19. Today's newspaper has a syndicated article from the McClatchy News Service about the first 100 days of Obama. You'd think there were a few minor hitches, mostly caused by Republicans, and maybe his spending plan is a LITTLE too big, but other than that, they wish his "reforms" could proceed faster, faster...

  20. "The weird thing is, it's like they're trying to be outrageous."

    Why is that weird? It's been a goal of the government to polarize the people.

    People talk about "Revolution" like it's easy. Unless you're willing to put aside your differences with the other half of this country, we're going to have a civil war. The majority of the people must be behind one political party if our revolution is going to end favorably.

  21. the-pathogen said, "... one political party... ."

    Yes, but which one? The only difference between the two in power seems to be an aisle down the center of their meeting room. We are being fed the same tripe from both sides of that aisle, and the MSM has proven that any other course (party) is "unelectable". The American people were forced, by the MSM, to choose between the "lessor of two evils". We got just that - evil! Evil idiocy!

    And, now we’re stuck with an anti-constitutional idiot; who, without a tele-prompter, can’t seem to remember where he is, much less what he thinks his handlers want him to say, who is appointing to sensitive positions, fellow anti-constitutional idiots and tax dodgers, and who has managed to demonstrate his ineptness and his willingness to readily concede to most of the civilized world that the USA is ready to assume a position of submissiveness to any two-bit slaveholding, anti-christian, wife beating camel jock in a bathrobe and a checkerboard head rag.

    I had to get this off my mind, while I still can, before Obamamama (the lightbringer) shoves the 1st Amendment down the toilet with his plan to control the internet.

    It’s been fifty years since I read “Atlas Shrugged”. I’m about a third of the way through the book again on a re-read and yes, I’m angry!

    Thank you, Democrats. Thank you, RINOs. Thank you MSM. Thank you, Chicago.

  22. I'm to the point that I'm wondering when and where the *second* "Shot heard 'round the world" will be fired.
    We simply can not let our nation descend into socialism. It's a failed system that doesn't work....


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