Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Why does our Government Equate Constitutionalists with Terrorists?

Demonizing gun owners who believe in the founders' intent of the Second Amendment is nothing new for our government. I've been following such attempts for years, including media attempts to dismiss us as "vermin." [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column looks at the new Homeland Security "right wing" report in light of similar attempts to smear Constitutionalists over recent years.

They do consider you an enemy, you know. Why else would they want to disarm you?

Also find out about a killer class in October and get the latest commentary from my fellow GREs.


  1. It is because the Communists won the Cold War.

  2. Common practice, divide and conquer. Dehumanize your enemies, use terminology usually reserved for lower life forms, create unrealistic caricatures of them based on myth, or one or two unrepresentative examples.

  3. I'd attribute this behavior to those responsible knowing they've broken the law of the land and are therefore preemptively attempting to undermine public opinion of those who might eventually read the Declaration of Independence and perform their duty as described.

  4. sure, we've got a militia.

    sure, we want the constitution to be upheld.

    hey, if they're not doing anything wrong, then what are they so worried about?

    9/11 showed -- to any who were actually paying attention -- that the state is simply a fiction, that governments do not have a monopoly on force, among other things.

    so, they can't protect us.

    further, they can't be protected from us.

    unintended consequences, in a nutshell.

  5. Whoa, powerful essay at Jon's link. Thank you. Worth forwarding to the publisher and managing editor (not the editorial department. They have nothing to do with other content)of your local paper, and TV station managers, especially ABC affiliates.
    "When the state loses its monopoly on the use of force, as well as **its capacity to propagandize [with help from mass media] the popular mind without fear of competition from alternative sources of information,** the continuation of its deadly games is pretty much in doubt.
    Written during Bush II. I hope he can see us NOW.

  6. Do like I did. Contact your local elected representative and demand they force the local chief of leos to provide a statement outlining what they intend to do about this.

    I have a feeling there will be more than a few who will tell the Arizona dyke to pack sand. Having said that, there will always be those who will do whatever and salivate at the idea of more authority.

  7. Wow, no kidding about the Butler Shaffer link--thanks Jon. Clearly, I've got some more reading to do.

    It is also encouraging to see a reasonably steady stream of unique contributors out there on the GRE boards, speaking forcefully and eloquently.

    Thank you again, David, for the work that you do.


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