Friday, May 01, 2009

Blogger’s Events Get Hinky

I’ve also been denied access to a blogger’s gathering because I wasn’t up to their standards, and they didn’t like the company I keep.

How weird is that? [More]
Very weird. And completely predictable.

Here's the first-hand account from the the lady I told you about here, one I'd never communicated with until a couple days ago when she asked if any of the Gun Rights Examiners could shed any light on why she was rejected from the Pr...uh...Blog Bash. One point to clear up--when she says "he" in her narrative, she did not realize she was corresponding with a female.

There's one other thing I'd like to clear up, something I've heard from a couple sources now as a result of people making inquiries. There is a bitter accusation being made that I am anti-NRA.

That is a lie. It is equivalent to saying if you criticize the president you are anti-American. I stated my position on that here and it has not changed.

It's not surprising though. That's also where the "Threepers don't work within the system" lie comes from.


  1. When the system is broken it doesn't make sense to keep using it. It's time for a NEW system.

  2. it's time for no system.

  3. Will we soon have "authorized bloggers"?

  4. straightarrow5/01/2009 3:06 PM

    I feel good for Trudy. If she had attended she would have needed sanitizing. This way she remains unexposed to such noxious individuals with their virulent infections of "fuck you, hooray for me".

  5. Yeah well, "he" may actually be a "she",but it sure as hell doesn't make it a lady,or much of a man either,does it?


  6. "Pr... Blog Bash"

    I'm confused, David. We're you typing Prag or Prig? I just want to be in on the joke.

  7. Well, it IS being treated like a Prom for just the really really cool kids.

  8. straightarrow5/02/2009 2:46 AM

    'ceptin' Fits, they ain't all that cool.


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