Saturday, May 16, 2009

The Childrens' Crusade

Ten minutes into arrant mayhem in this town near the Mexican border, and the gunman, a disgruntled Iraq war veteran, has already taken out two people, one slumped in his desk, the other covered in blood on the floor. [More]
Right. The Mexican border is so devoid of any real threats we need to conjure up a stereotyped slander against veterans.

Funny thing is, sources I've checked say CA law does not address Airsoft guns, so they use US code. But the funnier thing is, CA law says an "imitation firearm" is:
any BB device, toy gun, replica of a firearm, or other device that is so substantially similar in coloration and overall appearance to an existing firearm as to lead a reasonable person to perceive that the device is a firearm.
We're then told:
No person may openly display or expose any imitation firearm, as defined in Section 12550, in a public place...

Merely having an orange tip as provided in federal law and regulations does not satisfy this requirement. The entire surface must be colored or transparent or translucent.
So take a look at the Imperial Storm Troo...uh...Explorer Scouts in the picture.

I'm note there's an "out" for "civic activities" to allow the proto-"Only Ones" to shoot imaginary veterans to their hearts' content while their less privileged and immune contemporaries would probably draw a SWAT team that would later claim the shots they fired in response complied with department use of force policy...

[Via Michael G]


  1. straightarrow5/16/2009 3:30 PM

    Let's see here what the real training is. What it isn't is tactical training to neutralize an armed threat of a terrorist or terrorist cell. That's just the cover.

    Why do I say that? Well, let's take a look at all the scenarios they could have played which are real world threats with organized members of terrorists or criminals who have already declared themselves enemies. Were these children given a likely scenario? NO! They weren't told the threat was a muslim throat cutter or suicide bomber, nor was the threat a member of the drug cartels ensconsed just a few miles away on the border. No, they were told they there to kill an American military veteran who had served his country and was now a threat to it. That was the real training going on there.

    The real training is preparation of a pool of future "hired muscle" for the furterance of totalitarian aims. The first step in that training is to break down any allegiance to America or her citizens while claiming that is defense of America. Pretty soon they'll have their own JBT zombies who can't wait for their chance at another Waco.

    That was the real training going on here.

  2. The veteran mention really pissed me off, and I'm sure Hussein had something to do with this.

    Why does it have to be an Iraq veteran, huh? WHY?

  4. straightarrow5/16/2009 8:36 PM

    Because you can't turn kids against their own until you train them against their own. Read the first comment.

    This is nothing but seeding the next generation of hired muscle.

  5. Can anyone say, "Hitler Jugend?"

    "The weak must be chiseled away. I want young men and women who can suffer pain. A young German must be as swift as a greyhound, as tough as leather, and as hard as Krupp's steel."

  6. Don't you know? Veterans are the real terrorist threat to the United States, according to the Feds.

  7. Soon enough tribes shall be everyone's primary loyalty.

  8. They thought a turbaned and robed Middle Eastern badguy roleplayer might be politicially correct. An American ex-soldier is an enemy all those hispanic guys and girls can get behind fragging.

    Scouting is good for young men and women. This is not Scouting, this is indoctrination. The Explorers are exploring careers in law enforcement. They may be lost already. Eventually each will have to decide: career, or Constitution?
    And yelling "Border Patrol!" is a SURE way to draw my fire. I have a BP cap in my collection. I plan to post it downrange.

  9. Sorry, politically INcorrect, the islamic bad guy roleplayer. Angry typing.

  10. of course. I will be heard, loudly.


  12. I am an eagle scout and an Iraq war veteran and I am fucking furious. I have Monday off and I am calling the national headquarters. They are getting an earful.

    There is no excuse for this at all.

    Excuse my French.

  13. “Our end goal is to create more agents,” said April McKee, a senior Border Patrol agent and mentor at the session here.

    Hitler youth, no kidding.

  14. Training 13 year olds to be JBT's.

    Quote: “Put him on his face and put a knee in his back,” a Border Patrol agent explained. “I guarantee that he’ll shut up.”

    And the "terrorist" is returned war veteran.

    Shucksbygolly! Are we seeing a pattern here?

  15. W W Woodward said...

    Can anyone say, "Hitler Jugend?"

    This is also much akin to the early Soviet era, and Maoist era, Young Pioneers, who would "lead the way to communism!"

  16. I really hate the idea that someday, soon, I may be shooting at (defending myself from) kids. Not just kids, but ones that have been brainwashed by the PTB to believe that they are doing right.

    The thugs that are teaching these children these Gestapo tactics should all be castrated.



  17. Wait...I can get my son more tactical training for free? uumm, I think these guys may be handing out the secret handshake before the students have joined the lodge. In other words these kids aren't cops yet.

  18. Nothing makes me feel so proud to be a Veteran as being told that I am the only PC target of the obama youth.

  19. straightarrow5/18/2009 6:49 PM

    Amen, GTS


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