Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Equal Opportunity Idiot Box

Women, Stop Watching Oprah and Learn to Love Guns [More]
Women's TV and magazines do seem especially brainless. I don't get it, I guess because the women in my life agree with me.

And that's not to give men a pass. Spike TV and the like represent the antithesis of any definition of "manliness" that really matters.

I know some people who won't have a television in the house. I don't go that far. I enjoy certain things on it.

To me, like with guns, it boils down to personal choices and responsibility.

[Via M. Terry]


  1. Women are taught from grade school that it's better to be dumb. Unfortunate, but true. Many fall into that trap in one way or another. In my experience though, intelligent, truly liberated women without other reasons for hoplophobia who sit down and examine the reality of gun control generally come to agree availability of guns is, at worst, a necessary evil (in that it's admitting violence, or threat of violence, is a necessary evil).

    There's a reason why our first gun purchase was for my wife, not for me.

    Teach girls to think for themselves, ask critical questions, and accept difficult practicalities in life, and by and large they'll see gun control for what it is.

  2. Nezumi, gag, done. On the other hand, the writer of the article is spot on, and a true patriot. I wish there were a lot more women like her, there would be a lot more men who were men thereby, and less like Nezumi. Choke,(vomits off camera)

  3. I was unaware that being a man involved being a boor.

  4. straightarrow5/12/2009 4:04 PM

    Sean, I don't understand your heartburn with Nezumi. I couldn't see anything anti-freedom or anti-gun (tool of liberty) in what he said.

    As the father of five girls, trust me, what he said about girls are trained that dumb and weak is better, is true. It was the hardest thing I had to fight with to raise them to be their own self-reliant people.

    We see it all the time, girls pretending to know less than the boy they like, slumping so as not to be taller, etc. and so on.

    As for the "necessary evil" comments, I didn't take it that that was his position, but that he thought a worst case scenario for an intelligent woman might consider it so and therefore reject gun control.

    If I read the incorrectly, nezumi, enlighten me.

  5. Sometimes, being a man does involve being a boor. And it involves violence, not for it's own sake, but to repel evil, or some other legitimate purpose. My experience with people who view violence as a neccessary evil is that they will gladly stand by and watch you murdered, so that they won't have to resort to "violence". Kind of like a lot of people did when Jews were being rounded up in WW2, Mary Jo Kopechene, and, take your pick. Whenever I hear the solemnly intoned " violence is a neccessary evil" bit, I know I'm in the presence of enablers and inviters of murder. And I would venture the reason Nezumis' frau got a gun first is well, lack of leadership, and intestinal fortitude. But I am such a boor. He's free to do and think and be whatever he wants, and if it makes me sick, tough. I've heard what he has had to say before, and I'm reminded of Kiff, on Futurama.

  6. Straightarrow is correct. Violence being a necessary evil isn't my position, but what I've heard echoed. "I wish we did not need weapons... but we do, and therefore it would be prudent for me to have one" is the final conclusion I've heard several women reach.

    The first firearm purchase is because I came from a very gun-fearing family. That's not something I can control. I married young and had a very tight budget. So with money only for one gun, we realized if it should fit anyone, it should fit the wife, who stays home with the kids, not me, who works in a guarded building, in a gun-fearing state. Hence, the first gun is hers.

    Second gun is mine, but that's mostly just funsies :)

  7. straightarrow5/13/2009 7:56 PM

    Ok Sean, man up. I understand your frustration and even your misread of what he said. I sometimes have that emotional overload response myself.

    But nezumi wasn't the one saying it, he was merely repeating what he has heard others reason themselves into. Which is still better than them going the other way. Because once they accept responsibility for themselves that "necessar evil" crap dies from the rich soil of liberty and self-reliance. We then have another on our side. Most people get to where we are in stages.

    I didn't, but then I was born to two rebels who respected our history and liberty. Also I am so damn old that they still taught it in school.


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