Tuesday, May 19, 2009

For All You "Hoarders"

Unknown to many Americans, gold has been confiscated in the United States three different times throughout history. Some of these events took place during the Revolutionary war, Civil war, and most recently in 1933 by president Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR). Silver was later confiscated in 1934. [More]
At which point, expect some to turn to government for all their needs--at the time and place of their choosing.

[Via Steven L]


  1. Is this why we keep hearing that we are at war?

  2. Hah, Come and get my Gold and Silver,ya bastards....


  3. I would expect widespread (non)civil disobedience if "they" try it again.

    If you don't want them to get any of your silver or gold, then don't put it in a _bank_ "safety" deposit box. While that is a safe place to store it as regards "common" criminals, the banks will cooperate in gold confiscation and prevent you from retrieving it if the .gov types tell them to.

    The linked article displays a common misconception; they state: "The most recent confiscation caused Gold prices to increase nearly 75% within weeks." This gets it exactly backwards: gold did not go up, Federal _currency_ when down.

    As to their "power" to confiscate gold, I'll only assert that they have no authority and they may find they don't have sufficient power this time around either. I consider it to be one of the bright shining lines the crossing of which will result in people meeting their maker earlier than expected.


  4. Was this unconstitutional act ever submitted to the SCOTUS?

    The act doesn't even begin to surprise me as FDR cared nothing for the Constitution or the unconstitutionality of any of his measures that in actuality extended rather than solved the Great Depression. His programs for the most part succeeded only in creating a greater dependency upon the central government. The birth of the Welfare States of America otherwise known as the USSA.

  5. "i will bring us through this, as always. i will carry you, kicking and screaming, and in the end, you will thank me."

    gold is no longer liquid, not like it was then. confiscation doesn't really have the same fear factor that it used to. the kings now have all their faith in their own currencies; it would be natural for them to see no value in gold whatsoever. they've essentially forgotten economics in its entirety, so it comes as no surprise they could care less about sound money. in fact, central banks are selling gold (well, seem to think they're leasing or loaning it.. but it's gone).

    anonymous is exactly correct: if you own gold, you are already at war. join me on the front line and save 30% of what you have -- really, actually save the fruit of your labor, not just a number on a balance sheet representing it. this may require you to live on the cheap. but, christ suffered worse, so suck it up.

    government can't respond to emergencies, can't protect its citizens (itself!), can't foresee economic disaster (and even sets the policies that bring it about), and it certainly can't produce anything other than pieces of paper which, increasingly, nobody wants. how are they going to save you from -- nevermind their own policies -- their own actions? actions they now, today, believe are in your best interests, or at least will be after some allegedly foreseen outcome? "in the end?"

    raise your hand if you want government to decide what and when and how "the end" goes for you.

    "i can figure this out, this isn't even real, you're not real, that gun is... that gun isn't in your hand. that gun is in my hand."

  6. Jon,

    What is your take on silver?


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