Friday, May 08, 2009

Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Sarah Brady Paradise...

The Government is pushing ahead with legislation that will criminalise politically incorrect jokes, with a maximum punishment of up to seven years' prison. [More]
How many subversive Limeys does it take to screw up a country?


  1. Wow. I can't imagine any joke so bad that it would warrant time in prison much less seven years. That country is becoming more and more insane everyday.

  2. once again, i refer you to page 18: "what used to be an error has now become a crime against the state."

  3. Then the socialist bastards who screw the public, in lieu of leading them, should put themselves in jail, because they are nothing but politically incorrect joke. Note to English: It is past time to clean house, and I don't mean with a broom.

  4. straightarrow5/08/2009 6:58 PM

    Fuck 'em, feed 'em fishheads and rice. They were warned. They had centuries of warning in history, but in recent times many of us warned them. They went along. They got what they wanted. Boy did they get it hard!

    I have no sympathy for them. Not even a little bit. They have done this before and we saved their asses by sending privately owned firearms at the beginning of WWII, they we lend leased the Hell out of our production capacity. All because they were disarmed as a populace. Everything flowed from there. They appeared weak, they were as they appeared and they were pushed into the war by people who could discern no reason to fear or dread them.

    Even then, they had more moral fiber than they have now. Once attacked they found their courage. Then they surrendered it to enemies in their own government. And once again all their ills flow out of the fact that they allowed themselves to be disarmed and just like before, those who would abuse them saw no reason to fear doing so would lead to any consequences for the abusers.

    To hell with them. Anyway, we are too busy here trying to defeat the same kind of pragmatists,just so we can join the battle with tyrants and would be tyrants.

  5. The Brit Resisters may have tried, but what media would cover that?
    However, with more armed police patroling the streets, the opportunity to acquire guns and ammunition is better than it has been in years... plus, some intrepid boat owners could paddle across the Irish Sea and meet those Republican people. Or just go to the dodgy part of downtown and act like a thug. You'll be offered just about anything.

  6. You're absolutely right, straightarrow. It should NEVER be forgotten that the British people let their government disarm them after the War to End All Wars, and after the one after that.
    Japan: "You cannot invade America. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass."
    Germany: "What if I brought 20,000 German troops against your 10,000 Swiss militia?" "My men would fire twice and go home."
    Try England; their guns are all at the bottom of the English Channel.

    Well, how about this:
    What do you call a British muslim with a wife, a goat and a camel?
    An adulterer.

    Prince Philip took Michele Obama for a boating ride around a small pond during her visit. His boat kept going in circles, prompting him to shout to his mates at water's edge, "This is one tough hoe to row!"

    What do you get if you cross an English muslim with a monkey?
    Nothing. Monkeys are too hygienic to have sex with an English muslim.

    Why are the English lawmakers never accused of rape?
    Because goats and pigs can't testify.

    A depressed Englishman goes into a library and asks for a book on suicide. The librarian hands him a koran.

    ( Many of these are ripped off from my friend, Bernie Planck) Yes, a number of them are offensive to diaper heads, but that is in keeping with insulting English law, which has removed ALL the rights of the native English in order to balance the unreserved giving of every right to non-English immigrant muslims.
    Hope these help to get your mind headed in the right direction ;o)
    With love and diversity,

  8. So "fuck" each successive generation of the Brits 'cause their forefathers never stood up like they should have ?

    Man ... there's some good 'ol brotherly love and concern for ya.

    I'd be leary that words of malediction such as these would come back 'n bite me in the ass.

  9. So we are reminded again why in 1776 we said "Enough!" and acted on our words.

  10. straightarrow5/09/2009 7:45 PM

    well Jeff, we aren't talking about each successive generation here are we? We are talking about current generations. Yeah, fuck 'em.

    If they beg us for help again, you are free to give them anything you wish, as for me, I am done with them. No help, no guns, no sympathy, no "give a damn".


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