Sunday, May 03, 2009

Pelosi Makes It Official: "We're Above the Law"

Just in case anyone still had any doubts...

And just in case anyone doesn't grasp the full weight of this, it's a literal declaration of war on you. She's saying they can commit crimes against you and not be held accountable. You will have no legal recourse. If you don't like it, do something about it.

That is the definition of tyranny. This is why they want our guns. [More]


  1. The Founders wanted to protect congressional officials from ridiculous accusations and trumped-up charges such as those a King George would use to stifle -- and imprison -- opposition. I think investigations of malfeasance in office and outright crime were and are intended to go forward. Sorry, PeLoser.
    The trial balloon for this went up in Spring '93. In Texas. Consequences? Guest shots on "Saturday Night Live" and endorsement contracts for tactical rifle accessories.
    Hubris. In history, religion and in myth, it goeth before a fall.

  2. straightarrow5/03/2009 9:40 PM

    Ok, I don't know what the rest of you are talking about.

    As for Pelosi and company, does she think she and company might be immune to the laws of physics?

  3. That's been true for longer than anyone has been alive. On the positive side (if you can call it that), that's why "they" don't really care about our guns--they're perfectly well aware that there's no threat of them being used to resist tyranny.

  4. Actually, the Justice Dept. does not have jurisdiction over sitting Reps. or Sens. That is EXPLICITLY stated in the Constution. The House and Senate are expected to police themselves, or suffer the wrath of the voters.

    The House should have IMMEDIATELY impeached A. Gonzales when he had the office of William Jefferson (D-La) searched. And Pres. Bush if he came out in support of Gonzales.

    Denny Hastert (R-Il ?) is the only one who raised any red flags over this, and he was immediately slapped down and told to shut up.

    That they didn't move for impeachment is an indictment of the entire Dem. party leadership, as well as a lot of the Republicans. They didn't want to preserve the Constitution (no surprise there!), or Bush gone, they wanted Bush there to demonize about the war, etc.

    We will ALL live to regret this mistake.

  5. How can us Little People make a statement. Its not tea parties, but they do make a statement. It would be if all us Little People refused to work for one week. The amount of tax money lost would be huge. Don't take vacation time but take a loss of a weeks pay. Totally shut down the economy for one week, LOL! Its talk like this that will have the goons coming for you so be ready if you carry this ball for the foot on the door.
    If one week doesn't do it than make it two weeks and then a month. They will get the picture quick enough.
    On another line of thought. I do not buy anything I can put on the road that is not made in the USA. With the government investing and running the show for such companies has me thinking I may start buying something made off shore. The last thing I want to do is reward the backbone of our current Marxist and support their unions.

  6. straightarrow5/04/2009 12:41 PM

    Uh, anonymous, not exactly correct. one of the causes for impeachment, censure or other congressional punishment of a member is conviction of a crime. So you see , the founders and the constitution do show that members of Congress are still subject to the law.

    We police them. or at least we were supposed to do so.

  7. AvgJoe is right, but it'll never happen.

  8. AvgJoe, so you won't buy any model new car or truck.

  9. Yup, they're above the law. As long as we allow it. The longer we stand and just watch, the easier it becomes for them.


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