Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Three Out of Four "Gun Criminals" Agree...

Sarah Brady Paradise is the place to be. [More]

Not that I'm complaining...

[Via Featherless Biped]


  1. they're just products of their environment, y'see. the guns got together and had themselves a meeting about those misguided youth and wayward substance abusers, setting a target rate of recidivism on their behalf.

    Three in four people caught with guns avoid jail

    "The latest figures show that less than one in 3 now ends up in jail. This is a far cry from the zero tolerance approach promised by this government."

    is it just me or is the math wrong? if one in three end up in jail, then two in three avoid jail. how can the statistic be both 2/3 and 3/4?

    In 2003 one in two people convicted of gun possession were sent to prison.

    and why does the intro sentence talk about "criminals found with a gun" and how they "escape prison?"

    are they criminals before they're found to have a gun, or were they criminals, but then later found in possession?

    did they go to prison but then release themselves on their own cognizance? or did they avoid conviction?

  2. The disarmers may think that they are scoring political points by saddling the (innocent) opposition with onerous "gun law" restrictions--punishing them for someone else's improper sentencing or incomplete investigations--but what is really happening is that crime rates are unaffected and safety is not enhanced, all while government costs increase due to wasted effort cataloging inanimate objects, and attempting to badger crooks with minor violations of prohibition law.

    Urban social engineering is a failure so enormous, that its practitioners have no other choice but to use the disarmament cause as a dumping ground, and hope no one will notice the stink of the land fill. Whenever you hear some politician start blaming guns for his city's problems, just imagine a huge, red "FAILURE" tattoo on his forehead, and concern yourself no further with his words, but with who will be his replacement.


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