Saturday, May 30, 2009

The Voice of Wisdom

Hip-hop star Akon spoke to students in upstate New York about gun violence as part of a plea agreement for tossing a fan off stage at a concert nearby. [More]
Oh, teach us self-control, wise Akon! Maybe you can join T.I. for a rap duel about which one of you is the biggest authority suck-up once it's your phony badass on the line!

As Kurt notes about T.I., funny how such leniency was not extended to Wayne Fincher or David Olofson.

[Via William T and The Pistolero]


  1. I've seen it many time. Elderly black lady says "This is my son Richard. He's a businessman."
    Then, beaming,: "And THIS is my son LaKwanza. He used to run with gangs, shoot heroin and kill people. Now he knows his Lord, and we forgive him and LOVE him, amen!"
    Obama merely makes that federal policy.

  2. Of course Bush did nothing for any of the noncriminal gun law "violators" when he was president. Why do people continue to see a difference in the two parties?
    Out of respect for their grandparents, I suppose.

  3. straightarrow5/30/2009 4:04 PM

    The difference is only one of degree and rapidity at which the train to camps runs to the pickup point. I don't think anybody here sees it any other way.

  4. Could someone please explain to me the connection between gun violence and tossing someone off a stage?
    How about a PSA about reducing violence in ANY form?

  5. Violence is not the problem, since sometimes violence is the correct response. Aggression is the problem.

  6. Thank you Kent. That is a very fine distinction.



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