Saturday, May 23, 2009

Would Require...?

Did Meredith Viera just say "would require"...? [More]

I think she misspoke. I wonder if she's aware enough to know how interesting things would get if she didn't?


  1. I'm hoping for their sake it means IF you CHOOSE to get any flu shot at all, now it will be three vaccines instead of two.
    With the current trends, though, and as commenters point out, proof of inoculation will probably be needed along with proof of health insurance when you go to the doctor for anything else. The bright side is, it'll already be in the big happy national medical privacy-destroying database, so you won't need to carry "your papers" around.

  2. Vaccines? We don' take no stinkin' vaccines.


  3. " your government and public health officials..."


    If they try to require shots for me, I'm going to require some shots for them. Mine will be louder. And yes, I too will require, multiple shots for them.

  4. straightarrow5/23/2009 2:18 PM

    She didn't actually misspeak, the regimen "would require" three shots to complete, not that citizens would be required to take the shots. However, that may be the next step as a "public safety" step. Look how much we already are forced to do in "the interest of public safety".

    So, that isn't what she meant, she may inadvertently stumbled upon something ugly. I took the original swine flu shot and I will never take another flu shot.

  5. NOT! I agree with Anonymous on this one. Seems a fair trade to me. They want to put holes in my body then I think we should have to option to put holes in theirs. And yes Ours would be louder. I will even swab the round in alcohol first if they are concerned about infection. :)

  6. How else is that mark of the beast going to get inside you?

  7. We learned this week that now the ARABS want to patent a biochip for tracking dissidents and other targets, including a version with a cyanide capsule that can be detonated by remote. Even the Germans said that was a violation of human rights and refused to patent it there. Don't let anyone call you a conspiracy nut, Joe G.

    Friend of mine gave me the "Left Behind" novels on DVD. Gonna be interesting. My personal opinion is it'll be different from what everyone thinks in ways we can't foresee, but the trend seems clear. Supernaturally or not, freedom is clearly under attack the world over. It has always been an anomaly, the rare exception. A philosopher quoted here or on another freedom site said America's constitutional republic was a fluke, something that had never happened before in 6,000 years, and may not ever again.

  8. They want to classify a successful take-out restaurant as an "attractive nuisance" because of a fight or two? There go children's soccer games, lectures with controversial content, libraries...
    The First Amendment right to peaceably assemble. Toast.
    DC, NY and NJ may be lost, and CA is in a death spiral, but Free America IS defining its boundaries.
    Losing my job has given me a wonderful sense of freedom and possibility. My wife knows several trades that would be welcome anywhere. If your job is white-collar clerical like mine was, you might want to consider it. A two-year certificate and you may start at $35,000 a year or better.

  9. Seriously... when you consider how insanely overblown and media-covered this "swine flu" was.... when you look at regular annual flu stats, this was a complete non-story that owned the news cycle for a MONTH....

    Trial balloon?

  10. Swine flu shots almost killed me, and made my entire brigade sick as dogs, Nov,76. We missed movement, and sat in Grafenwohr for a week, til everyone was done puking and crapping uncontrollably. Two young soldiers died, miserably. They can shove their flu shots up their ass sideways.


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