Wednesday, May 20, 2009

"Yes, Even Here in Wyoming"

Apparently there are some serious flaws with this story.

Mama Liberty
tells me they interviewed Wyoming Gun Owners Association executive director Anthony Bouchard.

Per Mr. Bouchard:
[L]ook how all the statistics were printed as fact.

I want you to know that I disputed the CDC statistics but none of that made it into the article.

Here are good examples of disputed numbers:,2933,113094,00.html

Also unmentioned, are we to give up our rights because one might commit suicide?

Or how many of these deaths were deemed justified shootings or even by police?

The average person will not sift through the data and the more the media slams us (yes even here in Wyoming) with "statistics that purposely leave out the facts", we lose another inch.


  1. Their mastery of logic is equalled only by their command of the English language:

    "In other words, people will always attempt suicide, but if they’re initial attempt is less “successful” they won’t try again and lives will be saved."And they would impose their pre-selected conclusions on the rest of us with the barrels of their guns.

  2. As a person who in the past "Attempted Suicide" years ago, I can tell you with 100% honesty that if they did NOT DIE they did not truly attempt suicide. In my case I wanted to manipulate a young lady into staying with me. It was a totally dumb idea and doomed to failure, but my "Attempt" was about as real as a Star Trek phaser. However, being the particularly brilliant kind of dumbass, I carried through the whole thing fooling the doctor and mental health "Professionals" all the way. You see, I was too smart for my own good. I knew from reading on the subject of mental health about the MMPI, how to answer the questions to get the result I wanted, and what to say and how to act with the psychiatrist. You see, the whole thing depends on honest answers. If the subject knows how to manipulate the test, you'll never figure it out without intense study. So, the "STATISTICS" on suicide in this story are most likely bunk. Take the case of someone who wants out of the military. Fake a suicide, you're out. Of course that relies on you never telling anyone it was a fake, so this will pollute the answers on surveys of this particular subject. Same with attempts to influence people, if it's being used as a manipulative tool, you'd NEVER admit it, both because you don't want the person being manipulated to ever know and you don't want other people to know what a bastard you are. FACT - If they DID NOT DIE, They DID NOT TRY. In many cases "Attempted" suicide is not a true attempt to kill oneself, just a manipulative way to get attention, or a particularly stupid way to ask for help.

  3. Thank you for your honesty, anonymous. I too know how far people will sometimes go to get out of pain, including a painful unrequited-love non-relationship. I've been co-dependent, and it's like a fisherman's gaff hook stuck in your heart, wrenching it downward and out.
    Our opposition will skew, bend and break whatever they need to to make their point. The media, sadly, just want to fill page space or time between paying ads with the minimum amount of work. If it fits their agenda or ignorance, it goes untouched. If it contradicts their socialist leanings, it's reported with sarcasm and their favorit anti-liberty mouthpiece gets the last word.
    That's why they're going under.

  4. Not to mention the fact that a person owns their own life and body. If they truly do not wish to live anymore, it is their own business.

    And anonymous is absolutely right. Very few people who truly WANT to die can be prevented from taking their own life.

    Most "research" in psychology is bogus because of self reporting. It can give general trends, but no hard answers.

  5. straightarrow5/21/2009 6:27 PM

    Psychiatry and Psychology are witchcraft. I have never met either who wasn't predisposed to diagnose every case they ever took in the image of their own personal demons. They then try to purge their own personal demons on the misfortunes of others. I have yet to meet one who could not be manipulated with greater ease than the simple act of breathing.

    Anonymous above mentioned the MMPI. It's a total crock. I have read one front to back and the one thing I noticed was the dishonesty and surface only choices of possible answers.

    One question I remember from it and I discussed this with a friend of mine who was a psychologist, went something like this.

    Given your choice would you rather push your brother's wheelchair or go fishing. Well, of course, the proper response to avoid bad labels is "push your brother's wheelchair". Except for the fact that one has no way to say they would rather their brother wasn't in a wheelchair, but if he was, no matter what one would rather do, one would do what was needed to help the brother, even missing a fishing trip.

    The latter would be a sane and responsible man's response, but he isn't offered that on the MMPI, even though ask each question multiple times with different phraseology, the sane response is never available.

    The MMPI is a crock.

  6. straightarrow5/21/2009 6:28 PM

    It is just a make work project for people in a totally useless field of endeavor.

  7. straightarrow5/21/2009 6:31 PM

    Barney, my psychologist friend, finally realized I was right. He said he learned more from me than he did in college, which I took as a compliment as he was many years my senior and a pretty nice guy, except for the fact he was a charlatan (psychologist).

  8. straightarrow5/21/2009 6:37 PM

    Damn, I don't mean to make so many comments in a row, but it has been a long time and I keep recollecting things. He didn't learn "more from me" on everything, he was much better educated than I, he simply meant he learned more about the inanities of his profession.

    Psycologist and psychiatrists are expert at creating make work projects. Look at all the bullshit mass "grief counseling" for every damn thing that happens anymore. Schools have bought into it, businesses have bought into it, governments have bought into it, when oftentimes the best that can be said is that "shit happens, and sometimes it hurts, live with it".

  9. "It is true, and trivial, that homes with guns have more gun accidents, just as homes with lawnmowers have more lawnmower accidents."

    From the Amici Curiae case filed by the THE LAW ENFORCEMENT ALLIANCE OF AMERICA, among others. Reference here:


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