Tuesday, June 16, 2009

More Guns, More Regurgitation

Faced with the potential loss of 300 deputies due to budget cuts, the Sacramento County sheriff may consider issuing more concealed weapons permits. [More]
Naturally, the Brady shill is mooing in terror.

Becca Gonzales would evidently rather see citizens dead than armed.

I wonder what her qualifications are to make tactical defense judgments? I mean, why would KCRA seek out a quote from her, but not one from anyone on the gun advocacy side?

Aside from membership in the Stupid Club, does she have any special credentials or expertise that make her an authority on the effectiveness of armed self defense, or is her opinion as valid as, say, asking a cow what it thinks and then posting the content of its cud?

[Via Jeffersonian]


  1. I still cannot understand how they can draw the conclusion, "more gun permits to citizens" will automatically increase gun crime? When did the police give permits to the criminals? I thought that was only the case in the UK...

  2. Hahaha... this is just "right back atcha" blackmail from the sheriff to the budget-cutters.... he knows they HATE the idea of armed citizens defending themselves.... and he needs that budget... I live here, HK USP near me at all times.

  3. To say that there are 260 Permit holders in Sacramento County ain't no brag. In fact it should qualify as a "phrase of shame," something you would be ashamed to say in public. A little checking garnered me the statistic that there are approximately 300,000 Permit holders in Georgia. With 160 Counties, that makes an average of 1875 Permit holders in each county of the state. Regrettably, in Georgia, it is called a Georgia Firearms License. I would rather it be called a Certificate instead.

  4. I guess it depends on how you look at it. Personally, I think it's a "shame" there are ANY "permit holders" anywhere...

  5. I'm with DC on this one.

    Secure (meaning: a good holster) concealed carry ought to be the standard for adults who can reasonably carry and accurately aim. If you are carrying a white cane, there ought to be a few folks who will come to your aid (with guns, natch'). There are counties in Oregon where if you have a CCW and are pulled over while NOT carrying, the trooper will criticize your lack of preparedness.

    Bad Guys in progress ought to be very concerned about the significant possibility of being being shot by a well-trained civilian who does not have the obligations of a sworn officer to carefully escalate use of force according to dept. reg.'s.

    Our local police/sheriff budgets aren't large enough to allow officers to "defend" folks, only to show up after the fact and verify/confirm your story. We are not going to raise taxes to a NYC level in a misguided attempt to "guard" everyone and everything. People really are on their own any where they go.


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