Saturday, July 18, 2009

Happy Anniversary, Ted!

You evil coward. [More]

[Click to enlarge]

And I strongly recommend this book, if you really want to get your blood boiling.

Sonofabitch doesn't trust us?


  1. Teddy will be dead soon enough. I only hope that his final resting place will be public knowledge so I can burn some vacation time and defecate on his tombstone.

  2. Back when his brain cancer was discovered, I was scolded by another blogger for posting what I thought was a humorous blog post and not feeling bad about his "misfortune", and for saying things that might hurt his family if they ever read them. Not sure why his family's feelings are more important than his victims.

  3. Let us all be thankful that Teddie-boy did NOT drive a Volkswagen. His car did not float, he was then able to reveal his true character, and he never did become president. The unfortunate part of this story is the long string of losers that ran against him and lost, in part for the strength of his family name, affection by the voters for his dead brothers, and also for the deficit in quality of the candidates themselves.

    A reaction to the assasinations of the Kennedy's and to MLK is the Gun Control Act of 1968, which did absolutely nothing to inhibit assasination attempts following 1968. While Ted Kennedy would do nothing to protect your 2nd Amendment rights, the self-serving hypocrite always had plenty of well-armed bodyguards. Another irony is that in the following years ex-wife Joan Bennet Kennedy was a notorious drunk driver who also avoided jail and prison time.

  4. Chris Mallory7/18/2009 5:07 PM

    The real shame is that if he was wearing his seat belt it worked when he tried to open the latch. I look forward to the day he roasts in hell.

  5. Make no mistakes about this POS Kennedy not being too much different than many of these dirt bags back in Washington DC. Because he's a Kennedy he got away with murder for those two things have made him a spotlight attraction for the media. There are many as pathetic this this POS who are not a Kennedy or haven't got away with murder so they don't get the media spotlight as he does. But nevertheless they are just as low-life scum as he is. Stop and think of the trash that is elected out of CA, NY, NJ, and good old IL.
    Personally I will not wish harm to Kennedy by dying from his brain cancer or whatever. I know that he and many in his club will deal with their sins in due time. LIfe is short as we all know. I hope I can get to see some day some of these dirt bags try and win their way into Heaven by telling God that: The Second Amendment doesn't mean what it really states and woman have a right to murder their unborn babies. In fact it will be something to see for the Useful Idiots of these dirt bags to claim the same as they are being pushed onto the elevator to hell. "UP AGAINST THE ELEVATOR WALL MUTHAFUKA". Talk about full circle for parasites who think getting a free ride on the backs of the productive citizens is fine and dandy. Being condemned to hell for all times forever for a free ride and ego trip for 75 years or so doesn't sound like a very smart thing in my book. But what do I know being a productive citizen who unlike the parasites has the ability to earn money and not scam it from honest folks.


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