Saturday, July 04, 2009

Independence Requires the Will and Means to Preserve It

We are heirs of liberty. Terrible sacrifices were made to make it so. Terrible sacrifices may be required of us to keep it. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column looks at what we are supposed to be celebrating and guarding.

Also get the latest from my fellow GREs, including some highlighted Independence Day commentaries.

Hey, I'm hosting a big family gathering at my place this afternoon and evening--so I have a lot of work to do, and it doesn't involve being on the Internet.

Lord willing, I'll be back tomorrow. Enjoy your day, but don't forget to reflect on its meaning. Thus, today's column...

Tell a friend?


  1. I'm flying the modified Gadsen flag that says, "Time's UP!"

    Now and every day from now on.

    Make every day "Independence day."

  2. My body has been broken and crippled and diseased, in the service of my Country, it's Citizens, and their freedom. I would do it all over again, because freedom is not free. But to those who would take our freedom under the guise of socialism, or any other flavor of tyranny, I say bring your lunch, because I'll want something to eat, while seated on your freedom stealing body, after the smoke clears. III.

  3. My 4th was not complete until I went through the "checkpoint" on my way home from a family BBQ.

    The "man" was kind enough to ask for "your papers sir"... haha... seriously. It was just almost too ironic.


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