Thursday, July 23, 2009


Audience member: "Would you get rid of the Constitution for Shariah, yes or no?"

Imam: "Over the Muslim world? Yes, it would be gone."

Audience Member: And so if the United States was a Muslim world, the Constitution would be gone?"

Imam: "If the United States was in the Muslim world, the Muslims who are here would be calling and happy to see the Shariah applied, yes we would."

Audience Member: "And the Constitution gone. That's all."

Imam: "Yes, as Muslims they would be long gone." [More]

Bring it on...


  1. So basically he has the same attitude as Bush, Obama, and every other president has had. I am sure glad I don't get my rights from a piece of paper!

  2. And that differs from the viewpoint of Mike Huckabee, how, exactly?

  3. That's been their pipe dream for several thousand years now. So far, they can't quit killing each other long enough to get anywhere.

    I'm a lot more worried about the various flavors of "Shariah" proposed by US political parties, the current administration, the UN and assorted other statists and evil organizations.

    The muslims are dead last on my list.

  4. "According to Hizb ut-Tahrir, the world's social and economic problems will not be fixed until the world is governed by Shariah and the government controls all major industries."

    the constitution is designed on the theory that military and LEO socialism would work; it need only to be "republican form," locally representative. and he is speaking of socialism (or fascism, if you like) right here, just not the local kind. so he actually believes 100% in the constitution and where it has gotten to today. he just thinks it's too short, and that it should be worded as a covenant with god (allah), instead of one with "the people" (we and ourselves).

    well these are fundamentally at odds. god has already given us a convenant, and statist government, incompatible with the free market, is forbidden. it begins with the words "do unto others."

  5. QUOTE "Yes, it would be gone." QUOTE

    Try it, you son of a bitch.

  6. I am reminded of the words of the sage Michael Savage, who said "the redneck will never bow to Mecca."

    It's good to know what these guys are thinking, and it's telling this conference was held in the USA, but I don't want to build their chances up too much.

    When a few skeptical audience members pressed speakers over the fact that Islamic governments in Iran and Saudi Arabia are despotic, conference speakers claimed those weren't "authentic" Muslim governments and that the CIA (and by implication, the capitalist U.S. government) was to blame for the problems in those countries. In an interview with WBBM-TV in Chicago, HT deputy spokesman Mohammad Malkawi refused to specifically condemn Al Qaida and the Taliban.

    Same basic delusion as the socialists have. "Oh, those 100 million people killed and starved by communists in one century don't mean anything. Those weren't 'real' communists in charge; it'll work next time when our guys our in control." Thanks, but no thanks. I'll take my chances on resistance before I try the experiment.

  7. Comrade E.B. Misfit: since Huckabee doesn't want to overturn the Constitution, it differs in the most fundamental way. Not that I like Huckabee for himself, I think he's a mediocrity who shouldn't get the presidency, but just being a Christian and open about it, and having an opinion on abortion shared by half the country doesn't make you a theocrat.

  8. I think that with the removal of only two, yes TWO states (4%), the US of A would be 99% better. The two states?? Come'on, guess. Alright, I'll tell you.

    The Peoples Republik of Kalifornia.

    Let them try their little social experiments, all by themselves, without bothering us.

    Is it possible to divorce a state from the Union?

    B Woodman

  9. Not on MY watch, you MFin' Imam! Come here and die!

  10. And if I were the one calling the shots, the scarf skulls would be the ones missing.

  11. Check out an interesting book titled The Peace of the Desert(from an old Roman quote) by T. Kratman I believe.
    It postulates a world where Chirstians and Musilims live in a very uneasy peace until things go very wrong.

  12. And that fool thinks that he and his ilk will be safe inside their muzzie church when the war starts. Will they ever be in for a bad day...


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