Monday, July 06, 2009

Site Feedback

Because there was this.

I sent this:

Because they've been silent on this.

I must say, the almost absolute non-reaction on the Albert Kwan story from the "pro gun" community disappoints me. Aside from a very few notable exceptions, you'd never even know about it unless you regularly read Gun Rights Examiner.

Why do you suppose that is? And do you think a newspaper is likely to care if "activist gun owners" do not?

Here's a way to help correct that, if anyone is interested...


  1. Done.

    "Where are your stories on Albert Kwok-Leung Kwan now that the charges were dismissed. A little egg on your face, perhaps?"

  2. My comment to the Seattle Times:

    After years of government harassment, 23 days of jail as a pretrial detainee, and trampling all over his constitutional rights, the government has now decided to call “King’s X” and dismiss all charges against Albert Kwan. It seems that it has taken years for the so-called department of Justice to finally admit it had no viable case against the man. There must be a story in there somewhere.

    The only response I've been able to obtain:

    There was an internal error.
    Please return and try again.

  3. This isn't so much about guns as one may think. Liberal media loves taxes and believes no government in this country can become too large. To print a story that big government took advantage of someone would be an oxymoron for them.
    This man is just collator damage the way the liberal media sees it. You can't scramble some eggs without spilling some yoke.


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