Wednesday, July 29, 2009

We're the Only Ones Impacting Violent Crime Enough

Bannerman punched, choked and pushed her to the floor during the argument, prosecutors said. [More]
Now wait a minute--how is Baltimore's Violent Crime Impact Division supposed to get along without the services of a professional with such first-hand experience?

All I can say is, thank goodness he was an "Only One" so that three year sentence could be suspended to 10 days.

Rick P]


  1. straightarrow7/29/2009 2:44 PM

    And how many cops get indignant when we point out the disparity? Then lie about it.

  2. He vas schott vile trying to closed.

    Summary execution for mere "suspicion" of committing a crime? How totalitarian and un-American is this?

    What have our "police" become? They have now been elevated to all-powerful agents of the state who now hold the power of life and death over everyone they meet. Does anyone honestly believe this power will not be abused by these state-sanctioned thugs?


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