Friday, July 17, 2009

We're the Only Ones "Oh, Crap--Not Again!" Enough

An off-duty Meridian Township police officer who left his handgun in a law school bathroom will remain on active duty while an internal investigation is conducted. [More]
Of course he will.

You don't expect an "Only One" to get the same treatment you or I would if we had done this, do you? Heck, we'd really be in deep sh**.

That's why we make schools "gun free zones," with the exception of LEOs, who are just plain more trustworthy than us ordinary citizens.

Especially when it comes to guns in bathrooms.

[Via Harvey]


  1. straightarrow7/17/2009 3:53 PM

    I've heard it said of various individuals that "he can't walk and chew gum at the same time." Ironic that LEO's can't sh** and retain their weapons at the same time, don't you think?

    Even the comatose can manage one of those priorities.

  2. We're already in deep shit.

  3. Seem we only hear of these when Officer Jack Bootedthug gets his gun back. Do any of these stories end with the gun in civilian hands for good?


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