Monday, July 20, 2009

We're the Only Ones Untucked Enough

What they are trying to prevent...are cases wherein both erring policemen and civilian gun owners are using the privilege given to them to carry firearms to commit abuses on unarmed civilians. [More]
Perhaps the solution might be fewer unarmed civilians? That and doing away with the concept of "privilege" and "Only Ones"?

[Via Blacksnake]


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. If someone talked about how 'they' should be happy that they're "granted" at all the "privilege" to speak freely, to get due process in court, to not be unreasonably searched by LEO or government agents, or to practice their chosen religious beliefs, then they'd crucify the people who said such a thing.

    Well I guess some people just seem to think that other people, and certain parts of the U.S. Bill of Rights, are more equal than others...

  3. As with the First Amendment and others, the Second Amendment's recognized Right to bear arms comes with RESPONSIBILITIES. Just as you can't yell FIRE in a crowded building under the first amendment, we have laws to protect people from abuses by those with guns (or knives, bar stools, baseball bats, etc).

    Respect for the law and equality are all in there, as much for the Second as it is for the other Amendments.

    Guns don't kill people, setting loose repeat offenders, failing to control the onslaught of drugs like meth and crack, etc on the streets, and failing to actually treat mentally ill people (as opposed to just locking them up for a couple years to be further screwed up inside the prison system, before they set loose again), THAT's what kills people.

    I don't know for sure but I'd have thought that the self-professed/proclaimed progressive minded folks out there bashing the rights of the law abiding would have caught on to these notions as the real problem by now...

  4. No, bagelmuncher, none of those things kill people. They may often contribute to the problem, but the base fact is that some people have no conscience, no regard for the life or property of others and are therefore uninhibited about violating them.

    People kill people, in many thousands of ways and for many thousands of reasons.

    Most of the seriously "mentally ill" are elected to office and infest the halls of governments everywhere. Most are true sociopaths and deserve neither our respect nor our pity.

    And those in government kill millions more people than any ordinary criminal could ever dream of.


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