Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Another Option

Interior Ministry says recent surge in violence has it receiving twice as many requests for firearms permits. Number of appeals over denied requests nearly triples; those ineligible for gun license opt for tear gas, knives [More]
No doubt the way those ineligible here opt to obey the law...

The hard core bad guys all have guns.

[Via Joshua M]


  1. I can't understand why Israel would want any of their people unarmed, surrounded as they are by almost nothing but hostility. But after I see guys like Schumer,Feinstein,Boxer,Bloomberg,Lautenberg, et al, it begins to occur to me. Ours, like theirs, don't give a damn if people die because they are unarmed, just so their stupid ideas get made into law. Because they KNOW such much more than the rest of us.

  2. For a long time I was under the impression that the Israeli's were armed. Sadly, several articles over the last several years has showed that not to be true.

    Yes, there have been a number of terrorist attacks stopped by armed Israelis' (and there might be more of them per capita than in the US).

    It is sad to see that the PC thinking of Jews in the US also lives in Israel.

    One would think over there they would realize that the entire country is un-safe. Getting a permit shouldn't even be necessary, it at least ought to be automatic.

  3. straightarrow8/19/2009 5:12 PM

    I thank the Lord that I personally know no Jews who would peacefully climb into the 40&8's.

    Some of those I know, did it once. And they mean it when they say "NEVER AGAIN".


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