Sunday, August 23, 2009

Are You Doing Business with Anti-Gun Companies?

There’s an old bumper sticker that says "Ted Kennedy’s Car Has Killed More People than My Gun." Perhaps it’s time to create one that says "Sara Lee Has Killed More People than the Manson Family." And to wonder why they don’t focus on controlling their product quality instead of our guns. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner posts an old article a magazine feared to publish. I posted this several years ago on WarOnGuns, but most readers will not have seen it before.

Also get the latest from my fellow GREs.

Tell a friend?


  1. We probably ARE doing business with anti-gun companies. But only because not all of us are aware of those companies policies. Hopefully, when one finds out the FACTS (not rumor or innuendo), he/she spreads the word to others & forms a boycott.

    Similar to what is happening to AARP, and their stance on HELLthKare. There is fact, from their own mouths. And they are reaping the results.

    Several years ago, I'd heard similar about AARP vis-a-vis their stance on support of gun-control laws. I attempted to have it verified or denied several times, but never received any answer. So I did not pass this rumor around, but I did not join or support AARP, either.

    B Woodman

  2. B Woodman--From the 2000 AARP PUBLIC POLICY AGENDA (12-21):

    "The federal government should continue to regulate the availability of handguns and
    semiautomatic and automatic weapons. Congress should eliminate the 1998 expiration date for the Brady bill’s five-day waiting period and should leave in place the assault
    weapons ban."

  3. aarp has been extremely anti gun and socialist for many years, easy to verify. Got my first invite 10 years ago and several since that I always send back in the postpaid envelope telling them why they won't get my money.

  4. I suspect they are all anti-gun. If we don't do business with them we'll do no business at all.

  5. I will never join them no matter what.
    I have taking this battle to not support gun haters to a higher level over the years posting at blogs and web sites. E.G., I will never buy any gun or gun related products from any company located in IL. The reason is very simple, that company supports that state in taxes and those taxes are used to attack my Constitutional rights. I hold companies in the firearms industry to a higher standard. I learned long ago in grade school a lesson about this guy in Rome who's buddy stabbed him in the back. That's the very same way I see firearms companies in, IL, NY, CA and NJ at the top of the list.
    Vote with your dollars and force these companies to move or go out of business.

  6. This is something that I try to do on an ongoing basis. It would help if there were a web site that was dedicated to listing those anti-gun businesses. Years ago I quit doing business with Levi due to their public policy on guns. Every time I purchased pants, I sent them an email telling them how much I spent on their competitors clothes.
    They quit answering me the third or fourth time.
    I still have not heard them repudiate their position so I continue to boycott them. I suppose it is possible to relent your past position.

    Does anyone know of a web site that keeps up with such things?


  7. If you read my article you will see it includes a link to NRA's list.


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