Friday, August 14, 2009

SPLC Report Smears Oath Keepers, Militias

The well-paid exploiters at the misnamed Southern Poverty Law Center are at it again.

At what?

Lumping patriots and Constitutionalists with haters. [More]

Today's Gun Rights Examiner column wonders if sometimes threats must be manufactured to keep the money coming in.

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  1. Defender (lives!)8/15/2009 5:51 PM

    We had the TV on waiting for Wheel of Fortune when the national news (CBS?) made a BIG deal about "the return of the militias." From the way they played the story, the SPLC is the only thing standing between the Agents of Order and the Forces of Chaos.
    The news also talked about airline passengers being required to give the TSA "just a little" MORE information in order to be allowed to board a plane. The usual bleaters were willing to endure it as long as it increases "safety."

  2. Is anybody else having trouble with the examiner pages? My computer will load the page, give me an error message, then close the tab and reload it, over and over again.


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