Tuesday, August 11, 2009

What's the Difference Between Mission Creep...

...and creeps on a mission?
Rather than monitoring hate groups, the Southern Poverty Law Center has become one. [More]
Shoot, I could have told you that.

So can Vanderboegh.

Nice to see HuffPo admitting the obvious. Does this mean hell has frozen over?

[Via Michael G]


  1. Spotted in the sidebar at the HuffPo link:

    Gabrielle Giffords Town Hall: Gun Left Behind

    Links to news story in AZ Daily Star.


    Relevant paragraph:
    “Yelling and screaming is counterproductive,” she told the Sierra Vista Herald at a Congress on Your Corner event last week. There, one visitor dropped a gun at the meet n’ greet held in a Douglas Safeway, her staff says.

    Question: careless CCW or plant?

  2. Liberals are nothing but hate filled commies. The SPLC is filled with old hippies whom are nothing other than, Hippy commie Marxist filth and nothing but. These people see anyone who values unborn babies as people that need to be saved as terrorist. You can't make this stuff up.

  3. They may be different, but often they are inextricably linked. With creeps on a mission, you invariably have mission creep.

  4. I have no questions in my mind about this group having inflicted harm on many people. One time someone asked the director of SPLC about what went on between them and the federal government and the reply was, "if I told you we would have to kill you". That statement has removed all question in my mind that this group engages in violence against other people. Hows that for an oxymoron.


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