Tuesday, September 15, 2009

And the Winner Is...

I can't decide between Bob's impassioned soliloquy:
Go straight to hell, you cowardly gun nuts. You gun carrying morons kill thousands of each other every year...and now you want to use something like this to say gun ownership makes for safety?

Unbelievable. You cretins are one of the reasons America is such a laughinstock the world over. You "hunters" get your rocks off killing defenseless animals. The rest of you are so afraid of your own shadows that you feel you need assault rifles to go to the corner store.

You gutless fools make me sick. You....turning this tragedy into something about your own insecurities. No doubt Annie Le's killer is some kind of ball-less, dickless moron who worships guns and knives and violence...just like you.
Or the simple elegance that is Olivia:
Only the most despicable scum would use this tragedy to push their pro gun, pro death, culture of violence perversion.

You sir, are a foul, disgusting thing.
And then there are all sorts of runners-up.

Antis sure do get their backs up when you offer the heretical opinion that women ought to have the right to choose when it comes to self defense. And that they ought to have a chance if they're attacked.

I know I talked about this yesterday, but the comments just keep coming in, and it's instructive for us to realize how badly some in our society hate not only promoters of the right to keep and bear arms, but gun owners in general.

There is no reasoning with such as these. And there can be no compromise.

See all the comments here. And feel free to post your own.


  1. Knew I had shortcomings(ahem), but ball-less and dick-less? Yow.Guess I could get one o' my brothers to sub for me. You know, a Boones' a Boone, n' all that there. But all the gun owners I've killed were communists, and furriners, and they had it comin' besides. Reason being, I'm opposed to communists mass murderin',collectivist ways. Here, or there. III.

  2. I hate neo liberals, they are so pathetic. I bet when they get on the subway and see a mongoloid thug in a black uniform toting a sub machine gun, they feel all warm inside. Disgusting!!

  3. And oh,yes, I too, am a foul disgusting thing. If you only knew...........

  4. And of course all these anti-self defense cretins have posted their houses as gun free zones because they're not hypocrites. Right?

  5. David, I've been striking at the arguments, and the flamers, as best I can. (You know how we rattlers are!) But the cockroaches keep coming!

  6. Good!

    In their faces!

    Just don't let them anger you--treat this as recreational baiting to draw out their most insane comments.

    One way we can exploit this is to show people how delusional and filled with hate their "beliefs" are.

  7. I have found that laughing in the face of such stupidity, is the best way to disarm these fanatics. They want us to react with a verbal assault. Screw 'em!!

    Let 'em call the JBT's when they are being assaulted or have their homes broken into by psychotic assailants.

    Then they will get their just reward for being such retards.


  8. This guy's Canadian, right? You know, the ones that stop you on the border and strip you and your car down because you have an NRA sticker in the back window.

  9. You ever notice when these dingbats
    have no logic with which to argue their point, the cannot attack the message so must attack the messenger. Debating 101 Makes me think they are not particularly bright. No point to even attempting to argue with them because they will definately revert to the quote " don't confuse me with the facts, my mind is made up"
    Paul in Texas

  10. Pushing protection of concealed carry laws does NOT increase crime. It may or may not have saved Mrs Le's life, but she has a right to choose for herself.

    To address one of the comments you posted David, "Crime rates involving gun owners with carry permits have consistently been about 0.02% of all carry permit holders since Florida’s right-to-carry law started in 1988." (Florida Department of Justice, 1998)

    Enough said there...


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