Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Bills Don't Allow, People Do

Pandemic bill allows health authorities to enter homes, detain without warrant [More]
And it goes after the First Amendment right to assemble, too.

One point of contention with the article: A bill can't allow that--only the people in the home can. Fortunately for the authorities, it's in Massachusetts, so they probably will.

I'm not a doctor, nor do I play one on TV, but I wonder what the government and media is not telling us about this swine flu scare. For instance, stories I read seem to assume it will present a uniform risk throughout the land. I see no one really addressing if certain areas and demographics are more at risk than others--probably the inherent political correctness on the part of bureaucrats and "Authorized Journalists," combined with delving into that not fitting into the government's agenda of total control.

I wonder if Barry and Michelle will drag Malia and Sasha out in front of the cameras for a public inoculation just to show everyone how safe they think it is. Of course, that would lend itself to a whole new conspiracy about the vaccine being substituted...

A question for the freedom-minded: Say a really contagious and dangerous beastie is out there, a Black Death kind'a bug. What steps should be taken to prevent people who will not voluntarily segregate themselves from going out into the wider world?

I'd like to see that discussion.

[Via Ron W]


  1. Why is that all of the best (worst?) zombie movies suddenly come to mind?


  2. This is going to get people shot.

  3. Don't think that'll play in Texas, Gov. got spanked last year playing fast and loose with the drug companies and made an "executive order" that all sixth grade girls get shots for a cervical cancer, caused by VD. He came close to being run out on a rail. Needless to say, it didn't happen, and it'll come back to haunt him when he runs agin Hutchinson in the primary. Attempts to employ the Massachusetts solution here, against my family, will result in opposition with extreme prejudice. I ain't kiddin', either.

  4. Vaccines generally do not transfer immunity, when they do it is for a brief amount of time. It is more likely you will get a chronic inflammation of your immune system resulting in chronic disease if you get vaccinated. It was a good idea, but it didn't work out, yes even for polio. Do the research. However, it is too profitable a business to stop. Besides, government gets to pose as your savior.

    I don't believe government can legitimately quarantine people. If the government tries to come after me with a needle, and I can't flee them, it will end violently. If people want to risk getting infected by others, that is their business. Same theme with these evacuations when hurricanes come.

  5. If the sheeple in Taxachusetts roll over and "comply" with this.....well, that's up to them.

    If the PTB tried this crap here in Idaho.....I'll just put it this way, it would get REAL bloody, REAL fast.


  6. it won't pass as written, but it will be compromised into existence, as usual.

  7. straightarrow9/02/2009 10:40 PM

    I'm with Sean on this. They need to mind their place, or they won't be the only people trying to make injections. And I use a bigger syringe.

  8. This is not about health, this is about total control of the population.

    This shit is going to piss off a lot of people, and there will be ghastly unintended consequences.

    There is no need for the bill to state that officcials "would not be held liable" for any result of orders carried out in "good faith".
    If I or someone I care about has been victimized by this kind of predatory nonsense, rest assured, I won't be seeking justice through a court of law.

  9. "What steps should be taken to prevent people who will not voluntarily segregate themselves from going out into the wider world?"

    None. The "wider world" is a dangerous place and a person enters it (leaves the security of his own home/property) at his own risk. If you're worried about getting the bug and you're a believer in the vaccination, GET THE VACCINATION. Then you've got nothing to worry about, right?

  10. This is just so i get emails w/ follow-up comments.


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