Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Derailing the Antis

Passed by a 68-to-30 Senate vote, an amendment authored by Mississippi Sen. Roger Wicker, mandates that Amtrak allow passengers to carry handguns in their checked baggage. [More]
Amtrak's Chairman of the Board Thomas C. Carper and Dick Durbin (D, Mordor), felt the need to conduct a public panty-wetting, to which Bruce Krafft responds:
Okay, so what AmTrack and Dick are saying is that passengers' checked baggage is subject to being "lost, damaged, stolen or misused"? You can't have it both ways boys, if your baggage security is inadequate then knowingly operating a system where your customers' personal possessions, that they have entrusted to your care, are subject to rifling by your employees?

This doesn't even address the other security issue, that if you can't safeguard checked guns, how can you keep out checked *bombs*?
The answer, of course, is all they're really capable of doing is harassing those inclined to obey the laws.


  1. straightarrow9/23/2009 4:49 PM

    Krafft must be a numerologist, he certainly has their number.

  2. I don't ride Amtrak, never have had the opportunity as it were.

    Question: To anyone who has, do they have TSA style security for passengers riding Amtrak (metal detectors, shoes and belts removed, etc)? Every depiction I've seen in the media (tv's and movies, etc - not the most reliable mind you) don't seem to show any.

    What's to stop a non-law abiding person from just carrying concealed if that's the case? or packing a firearm in their luggage anyway?

    Thanks in advance.

  3. I certainly hope no terrorists take over Amtrak trains, with guns or butterknives, and crash them into the upper floors of any skyscrapers!

  4. My Dad was a conductor on the California Zephyr for years. At least through '88 (last time I rode it) you walked on and no one said a thing or "checked" your bags. I'm not sure what they do for "security" now, especially at the small market stations. But I doubt if there's enough money for metal detectors and crap like that for every station.

    One time he confronted a gentleman whose side arm wasn't concealed. He asked the guy to put it away in his carry-on bag, which he did. No ATF, no FBI, no big deal, just another of a long list of stories to tell. (I'm leaving out a few details but that's the gist of it)

    Kent, If they do take over Amtrak, maybe they'd run on time (for once).


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