Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Fast Track for Forgiveness

He added that some senators are eager to get back in good stead with the National Rifle Association after crossing the group by voting to confirm Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court... [More]
Because "allowing" guns in locked cased on federally-subsidized trains and confirming a SCOTUS nominee hostile to RKBA are so equally weighted in importance, you see...

Don't let the noise about "another pro-gun victory" drown out this fact. I'm still waiting to see what that "cost" for confirmation will turn out to be. My guess is, stuff like this will be used as justification to not extract a noticeable price at all.


  1. Lemme get this right. They bone us up the ass by confirming another communist on SCOTUS, and now they want to make nice with an AMTRAK bill? The NRA "leadership" is a crack whore with their principles between their legs. I'd say offhand this dumpster deal is done already, and they're out looking for their next trick.

  2. There's a good reason there are 90 million American gun owners and only 3.5 million are NRA members. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me 75 times...
    The NRA says it has to "go along to get along. Has to compromise "at times" to be a viable force in DC politics.
    If you give up half of what you have in every negotiation, soon you need an electron microscope to see what's left.

  3. NRA has yet to answer my query as to whether or not the Sunstein vote will be counted on the recommendation list...

    I'm an nra lifer (when life membership wasn't a cut rate 'special') but haven't contributed in years, they just send the magazine every month...


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