Monday, September 07, 2009

I Repeat Myself

Capitalism is evil. [More]
I'll say it once more: Expel him.


  1. My thoughts are for other means........

  2. If capitalism's evil, why does this slovenly, ignorant asshat embrace it so completely?

    I recall other movies that he made - like Roger and Me - where he stiffed some of the poor people whom he exploited.

    What a piece of work. This film is the apex of hypocrisy. Of course, that fact will be lost of the sycophantic minions who flock to view this abortion.

    Of course he can come clean and distribute the profit from this film to the poor, unwashed hoi polloi victims of capitalism...

  3. Paul W. Davis9/07/2009 2:12 PM

    Gee David, for a minute there I thought you meant the COUNTRY!

    Though the freedom to think what you want does and should exist as codified in the Constitution, there ARE certain ideas and concepts that are inherently destructive to the Constitution and the American way of life. Michael Moore embraces and promotes them wholeheartedly — which makes him an enemy of the Constitution and all Americans.


    I think some forget this man is AT WAR with America as it was founded and intended to be.

  4. Don't expell him. That is the knee-jerk reaction of people who don't understand freedom any more than the Moore-on himself does. Let him talk and then expose everything he says as the ramblings of an idiot. He hands you the ammo every time he opens his mouth; take it and USE it. It is easy because he is demonstrably wrong. Look, "democracy" and government regulation caused the problems, not "capitalism" or the free market. People like him are necessary to keep around so you can show those who are "on the fence" just how stupid the socialists really are. Besides, if freedom means anything at all, you would understand the right of free (unpopular) speech. Don't set a precedent that will someday be used against you.

  5. Kent, I put links in these posts for a reason.

  6. From the Article:
    "Amid the gloom, Moore detects the beginnings of a popular movement against unbridled capitalism..."

    Ummm, Mr. Moore, we haven't seen truly unbridled capitalism in this or the previous century.

    How the hell can you say that capitalism is unbridled when I can literally not take a shit without government regulating the toilet, the space between stalls, the amount of water a toilet can use, etc.

    You can take that unbridled capitalism argument and crap it right up your ass you Leninist pile of shit.

  7. Can we not simply ignore this lardbellied blowhard, ignore his 'art' and render him pennyless?

  8. Sorry David, but I was actually addressing Paul W. Davis, and should have made that clear.

  9. Mr. Moore only lives in the richest country in the world despite, not because of, every effort of the left to destroy it.

  10. The question shouldn't be "Why is there poverty" but rather "why is there wealth?"

  11. "The filmmaker also sees an uncomfortably close relationship between banks, politicians and U.S. Treasury officials, meaning that regulation has been changed to favor the few on Wall Street rather than the many on Main Street."

    No shit Sherlock, let's close the revolving door between banks and the white house cabinet! Oh I forgot the golden rule, he who has the gold makes the rules!

  12. Yeah, capitalism is what we got, right? Right?

    We're pretty darn far from capitalism. Crony capitalism, public private partnership in all things is evil. It's what we got.

  13. so where can I get my free copy of his DVD?* The angry mobs...err, people have spoken in a democratic fashion that anything he does from now on shall be free to all, and all his past works shall be free as well.

    We've also decided, in line with his championing of democracy, that he shall have no health care due to his horrible choices to eat too much, exercise too little....

    Maybe this champion of "democracy" should take a look to Kali. where the gays got another reminder that not everyone will vote the way they're expected to or for the greatest freedom.

    * ZERO intention to watch ANY of his "films" if I want propaganda I'll turn on the TV for free.

  14. Paul W. Davis9/08/2009 5:05 AM

    Excuse me Kent, but the Founders would have put him out.

    You do NOT allow your openly avowed enemy to be armed inside your country while you are at war. The Founders didn't.

    It is suicidal for a nation to allow those who are openly at war with it to enjoy it's benefits all the while they are using those same benefits to utterly destroy it and enslave its people.

    What you advocate Kent, is equivalent to allowing cancer to live in your body, just so you will know what having cancer is like. Want to guess where that ends up?

    Just why do you think the Honduran government expelled Zelaya?

    Why do you think this nation has had laws on the books from the beginning addressing sedition and treason? Michael Moore's speech is seditious and treasonous.

  15. Why do you think this nation has had laws on the books from the beginning addressing sedition and treason?--Paul W. Davis

    Oh, do you mean sedition laws such as this?

    “[T]he Sedition Act, passed on July 14 declared that any treasonable activity, including the publication of "any false, scandalous and malicious writing," was a high misdemeanor, punishable by fine and imprisonment. By virtue of this legislation twenty-five men, most of them editors of Republican newspapers, were arrested and their newspapers forced to shut down.
    “One of the men arrested was Benjamin Franklin's grandson, Benjamin Franklin Bache, editor of the Philadelphia Democrat-Republican Aurora. Charged with libeling President Adams, Bache's arrest erupted in a public outcry against all of the Alien and Sedition Acts.
    “Many Americans questioned the constitutionality of these laws. Indeed, public opposition to the Alien and Sedition Acts was so great that they were in part responsible for the election of Thomas Jefferson, a Republican, to the presidency in 1800. Once in office, Jefferson pardoned all those convicted under the Sedition Act, while Congress restored all fines paid with interest."



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