Friday, September 04, 2009

One of Our Experts

If you find a gun in your attic or if a relative dies and you find yourself in possession of a weapon for which you are unsure you have the required authority to possess, the law allows for you to hand it to a Registered Firearms Dealer. He will ask for your name but you are not obliged to provide it. He will then inform the police that a firearm has been handed-in anonymously and they will check that it has not been used in crime and then authorise the RFD to dispose of it legally.

The police would rather unlicensed guns be ‘in the system’ and they will not seek to penalise the honest hand-over of firearms that are currently unlicensed. If in doubt, you can contact Sporting Shooter for one of our experts to advise you. [More]
Because if you can't trust an oberkapo, who can you trust?

Thing is, this rings a bell. Ah yes, here it is:
"Bill did what any honest, law-abiding American would do...he turned in his SKS Sporter to the police."
Ask the experts!


  1. Wouldn't it be interesting to know who has licenses for "Section 5" weapons? I'm sure the list is secret, but how many senior government officials and elitists connected with government are on it would be most fascinating. For those people, nothing changes for them. Most probably have private security too.

  2. Wow, from a world spanning super power, to a little island where everything is, "mommy may I?" in just a few hundred years. What wonderful progress.

  3. If I came into possession of a "new" gun in such a way, my first act would be to get ahold of some ammo for it, or to trade it for more ammo for the guns I already have. The thought of informing the authoriturds would never cross my mind.

  4. And they still wonder why we revolted!

  5. Looking like we'll be revolting again real soon.

  6. Seems that symbol would be perfect for Feinstein, Boxer, and Schumer.


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