Friday, September 11, 2009


Or Libertarian'd.

Take your pick. [More]

[Via Michael D]


  1. Someone with graphics skills should come up with a suitable variant or two of the "Parental Advisory / Explicit Lyrics" icon.

    Some suggestions:

    Parental Advisory / Meaningful Speech

    Federal Advisory / Uppity Peasants

    Federal Advisory / Unauthorized Speech

    DANGER / Independent Thinkers

    DANGER / History Repeating Itself

    WARNING / We ARE the nice guys

    I'm sure there's some better zingers out there too...

  2. I like it!

    I think my favorite non-political(ish) one was the warning Iggy Pop used on his "American Caesar" album. It looked like the standard parental advisory label, but said "WARNING: THIS IS AN IGGY POP RECORD."

    To anyone familiar with Iggy's work, that said all it needed to say. (He's also one of the only rockers who could have pulled that off without sounding too pompous.)

    -- Gun Owner 80,000,001


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