Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Restoring Felon Rights

The North Carolina Supreme Court says a 2004 law that bars convicted felons from having a gun, even within their own home or business, is unconstitutional. [More]
The opinion is here.

Dave Workman is soliciting opinions.

I've made my position clear for some time. Anyone who can't be trusted with a gun can't be trusted without a custodian.


[Via Ambiguous ambiguae]


  1. You either "paid your price" or you didn't.

  2. A large percentage of "felons" committed no crimes against persons or property, so of course they have a right to guns. If you are an adult and are not permitted to own weapons, then you should be in prison, dead, or in a mental hospital. I will not be happy until any adult can send in cash to a gun shop and have an imported sub machine gun delivered to his front door, with no government interference or "back ground" checks at all. Then we can rest for awhile.

  3. Or you could be an ex-service man or woman, told to go out and kill, and when you come back home, and have some trouble dealing with that, and seek help. Then the same govt. will only be too glad to disarm you, now that you have served your purpose. And you don't even have to commit a crime or hurt someone!

  4. It's not enough that the government is going to punish you for whatever crime you committed, they're going to ruin the rest of your life as well? Not every 'felon' is a murderer, or a thief, or what have you. The laws aren't handed down from God, the laws are made by people like Barack Hussein Obama and Teddy Kennedy (may the devil haunt his soul). If they can do this to people they proclaim 'felons', and we're okay with it, we're not for liberty at all.

  5. Good news for my friend who had a felony in 1960, but lost the right in 2004. Now he can "legally" own all his guns!:)

  6. Robber, burglars, and even murderers, after having completed serving the sentence "justice" requires of them, have the right of self-defense once they become "free men" again.

  7. considering you can become a convicted felon for all kinds of nonviolent b.s. "crimes" these days, i'm inclined to shrug it off.

    even in the case of a murderer, if you're not going to put him to death for what he did, then what's the point of wasting any other time or money on the guy? setting up a nationwide prison system where Only Ones can play "tough guy" with the everyday lives of the poorest among us isn't in my copy of the bible.

  8. straightarrow9/01/2009 11:33 PM

    If you served your time, you should be made whole. If society isn't prepared to live with that then war is inevitable within society.

    I personally am through hoping we learn, I am through worrying about peaceful solutions. I just hope I never have to kill a sonofabitch who doesn't deserve it. As to whether I'll have to kill a sonofabitch, I don't think any of us will be the ones to make the choice. The sonsofbitches will make it and they aren't smart enough to know how close they are.


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