Saturday, September 26, 2009

SPLC Keeps on Hating

WorldNetDaily's headline story today quotes both Mike Vanderboegh and me. [More]

I'll be doing a Gun Rights Examiner column on this tomorrow.


  1. I Love It!!

    The SLPC has REALLY shown their ass this time.

    And the beauty of it is that it is being reported by WND, who reach many more people that really need to hear the truth about what is REALLY happening in our country.

    And a big hat tip to Mike V and David for their comments in the article.

    As for the list of opinions and/or beliefs of people that they say pose potential terrorist threats.....

    My GOD!! I fit into all of them!



  2. This group is very bad news to people of America who do not want this country to become a Marxist controlled shit hole.

  3. I take no small amount of satisfaction that World Net Daily is giving coverage to David and Mike in light of the attacks by the "main stream next wave of Republicanism" on World Net Daily as well as the prags flinging poo their way as well.

    You know if you're upsetting the status quo apple cart of "going along to get along, to hell with our rights we're not using them anyway" that you're doing something right. If liberty is a fringe movement then count me in.

    And on a side note did you hear about the right wing militia guy that was trying to blow up a building in downtown Dallas? No?

    Oh yeah! That's because it wasn't! It was, wait for it, an illegal alien Muslim.

  4. straightarrow9/26/2009 5:42 PM

    as near as I can tell, the only people not on the list were socialists and communists.

  5. as near as I can tell, the only people not on the list were socialists and communists.

    Why would those making the list put themselves on it?

    Nice to see some wider coverage David.

  6. Holy crap is all I can say- that and @#^%

  7. And on a side note did you hear about the right wing militia guy that was trying to blow up a building in downtown Dallas? No?

    Oh yeah! That's because it wasn't! It was, wait for it, an illegal alien Muslim.

    Wait a minute...don't we already have one of those masquerading as the CiC and living in the White House?

  8. RE: Straightarrow:

    The reason why socialists and communists were not on the list is because the entity making the list ARE communists and socialists.


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