Tuesday, September 01, 2009

What Role Does Government Play in Arming Taliban?

It's not just corrupt Mexican officials and drug cartels benefiting from U.S. government-supplied and approved weapons exports. Michael Crowley's "Outrageous: Friends Like These" in the September issue of Readers Digest (posted online as "American Weapons in the Hands of the Taliban") shows the same thing happening on the other side of the globe. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner looks at the unintended consequences of government arms programs.

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  1. And the guys who are turning Afghanistan into a big malicious gang-f are the ones who want to take over health care, industry, banking, insurance, ad nauseum. Wouldn't be supprised, when Al-Queda attacks here, they use weapons so gleaned from way out there, so they could gloat over the Yankees providing them with the tools of their own destruction. And they'll be right.

  2. straightarrow9/02/2009 1:06 AM

    Sean, you have that one right. Only a damned fool thinks we aren't going to be hit again, and hard.

    This time, though, it will be with our help. Something wrong with that!


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