Saturday, October 17, 2009

None of These Measures

None of these measures would restrict the 2nd Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens...[More]
We're Los Angeles Times editors. We don't know the meaning of the phrase "shall not be infringed."

Or maybe they really do, and they're just subversive agenda-driven liars...?

[Via retrotruckman]


  1. See that cash in your wallet? That's a tax-loophole, it needs closing. "What really goes on at gun shows" yeah it's soooOOo sordid and vile... that's right there, in between the lines.

  2. Background checks wouldn't restrict the 1st Amendment rights of law-abiding journalists either, would they? So why would the LA Times howl its head off over background checks for journalists? Hypocrisy, that's why.


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