Thursday, October 22, 2009

An Order of Protection

Court records show Padilla granted Axsom a protective order against Schwartz four days before the Oct. 6 hearing where he ordered her to attend parental counseling with him and denied her request to relocate to Maryland with the pair's son. [More]
Well then I just don't get how this happened.

I mean, if we can't trust judges to rule in our best interests, who can we trust...?

[Via M. Terry]


  1. This article does indeed point out the futility of protection orders, but Arizona is a fairly gun-friendly state. Why didn't the victims have or get real protection? (I thought at first that it was Peoria, Illinois, but then I remembered that a suburb of Phoenix is also called Peoria.)

  2. Crotalus - I think that the Brady -"Gunz is bad, and dangerous for the owner" mindset often pervades the thought process of non-gun owners.

    It may have never occurred to her of the crowd she runs in that a gun may cone in handy if she was in danger.

    The fact is, she wanted to flee for her safety.

    I remember when my sister was being stalked, and the local Sheriff's office suggested that she carry a gun. (she already was)

    Unfortunately, a lot of people, often women, never think about fighting back. They've been conditioned to "submit."

    Hopefully, that mindset is changing. Too bad people have to die because of big-money groups spouting the lie that the gun is more dangerous to the owner. Even if she hadn't taken a single lesson, if she had a piece and know how it operated, she might be alive.

    But in this case the court knew what was best for her. And now she's dead.

  3. Absolutely tragic. It's hard for me to understand how any woman could not know, at some level, that she - and she alone - is responsible for her own safety.

    But brainwashing does run deep.

    Reach out to a woman today - anyone, really - and do what you can to change this mindset.

  4. While we are a reasonably gun friendly state, we have a depressingly large number of gun fearing wussies who have moved in from totalitarian leaning states.

  5. And there will ne NO consequences for this "judge" who basically signed this woman's death warrant.

  6. I would never defend such sick behavior on the part of any man,...


    Only men who have been there have any idea how "the system" abuses men.

    Every one of us knows a good man who has been abused by the divorce industry. Odds are her Atty. arranged a false "protective order" to gain the upper hand and "win." These are granted without question, for the asking - because NO judge wants to end up on the news after denying a woman a PO and have something like this happen.

    Imagine yourself in this situation. You love your child more than anything - perhaps Fatherhood was the thing that finally gave MEANING to your otherwise worthless life. The relationship ends and suddenly you're evicted from your home, financially ruined, and allowed no contact with your child - all based on lies. Now you're told she's going to move half a nation away and take your child with her?

    Can you not see how this could make even a good man violent?

    If you take away everything that matters to a man, do not be surprised if he acts as if he has nothing left to lose!!

    If we want to put an end to this sort of violence, we need to address the root-cause. In far too many cases, the cause is abuse of process by ruthless attorneys, and an adversarial system that claims "best interest of the child" while really only looking out for "best interest of the lawyers" and "what Mommy wants."

    Any attorney that encourages a false RO should be disbarred. Any woman who claims abuse - and is lying - should be imprisoned.

    Perjury MUST be punished.

    We need to change "the system" so it encourages parents to cooperate and removes the financial incentives to lie. It should reward cooperation and PUNISH manipulation - any parent who would deprive a child of access to the other parent is a child-abuser. No person should be deprived of parental rights without PROOF. If he's a wife- or child-abuser, he belongs in prison. Otherwise, he deserves to be treated as an equal.

    If a man *IS* dangerously violent - actually rare - a protective-order is worthless. If he's not, it's the best way to make him so.

    In other words, the R.O is at best worthless and at worst CREATES the very problem it is supposed to prevent.

    Learn the truth, and question EVERYTHING.

    Before it happened to me, I would have been first in line to execute this man - slowly and painfully.

    After living through my own hell, now my first thought is always "Oh, G*d - what did they do to push him over the edge?"

    I pity all of them - but most of all the child.

    I hope all responsible - including judges and lawyers - burn in hell.

  7. Sorry.

    I agree that men are often horribly abused by the system and that there are selfish women who exploit that for all it's worth.

    I also agree that there should be real and severe sanctions against that.

    It's still no excuse.

  8. David, I don't think Veteran was excusing him, but was saying that he understood the towering rage at having been lied about, and having everything he holds dear taken from him by a vengeful spouse.

  9. straightarrow10/23/2009 3:45 PM

    Only two things kept me from killing my first wife. The first was simply that I never wanted my three children with her to ever have to live with that fact, which led to the second thing which was I stayed farther away from her than I could drive in a day. I am capable of driving 1500 miles in one day, therefore I was a long way away. That second thing allowed me time to quell my murderous rage before I could get to her, after each intolerable abuse by her and the "system". Those two things let her live to her own destruction. I have outlived her and rejoice in that fact every day.

    I eventually gained custody of those children, physical custody, never had legal custody. I raised them. She had no more use for them when they were no longer profitable.

    My attorney once asked me if I knew how many crimes I had committed? I replied that yes, I did. And that I would do them all again if it resulted in my children being protected. I was successful, but I took great risks outside the system because that was the only avenue available to protect my children.

    So, yes. I understand the rage that can make someone kill. However, that man's child now has to live with what he did, he chickened out. So, I doubt very seriously that he did it for his child. He did it for himself and it is a good thing that he is gone.

    I am eternally grateful that my children never had to live through such a horror, and that I loved them enough to insure they never did.

    However, the system still needs to be fixed. I don't think in this case it would have mattered, since this man killed an uninvolved party and gave no thought to his child's future, he had a screw loose.

    One reason I believe all women should be armed. Because there are a Hell of a lot of people out there who care only for themselves. And yes, some of them are women, too.

    There is a hell of a lot more I could say on this subject, but I have already ruined my day just thinking about this crap.


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