Saturday, October 03, 2009

Warsaw ghetto hero Edelman dies

The only way "never again" works is if you mean it. [More]
The passing of a man of great purpose and deeds has warranted a second Gun Rights Examiner column today to note it and to honor his memory.


  1. I hope there are more like him among us.

  2. There are Sean. They're everywhere around us...

    And ready!


  3. "The only way 'never again' works is if you mean it."

    Only people with guns can mean it. For others it’s just talk.

  4. Ah, the "unwritten law of collective responsibility". It still does not appear on paper, but it is enforced in all Western countries. It's the kernel of all disarmer philosophy, as well as the starting point for all violations of individual liberty.

    Since it depends entirely on clairvoyance, the enemies of liberty have had a difficult time defending it where fact and logic are required. What is considered the best defense usually involves critically amputated statistics.

    It would have been nice if, a century ago or so, when the first bureaucrat claimed that a citizen should not be "allowed" a weapon because he would likely kill someone out of spite, that this citizen demanded said statist prove it in a trail of facts in a court of law.


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