Wednesday, October 07, 2009

What Doesn't Work

People's Church, in fact, had a security plan in place for its 3,000-member congregation that included off-duty officers hired for traffic and protection. But none of it stopped Kevin Kelly from firing five bullets into Patricia Simmons Kelly's chest Feb. 22. [More]
So how come we have to go looking to find out he did it in the parking lot? How does "Authorized Journalist" William Wan propose to stop something like that? He just admitted relying on "Only Ones" doesn't work.

And what the hell does his sob-sister hand-wringing have to do with peaceable people having the means of defense?

Yeah, we need more "No Guns" policies--that'll work.

[Via William T]


  1. straightarrow10/07/2009 11:41 AM

    Well YEAH! That'll work. It didn't work too well for Patricia, but it worked perfectly for Kevin.

  2. straightarrow10/07/2009 2:55 PM

    All depends on whose side you're on. William Wan has chosen the murderer side.

  3. straightarrow10/07/2009 3:13 PM

    I would like to know how the author determined that the Knoxville church shooter was "right wing" and just a murderous nut.

    Also, the comments section was sickening. Even George Bush got blamed for the murder.

    I know, let's ban black people, they have the highest murder rate of any segment of society, let's just ban them. Jesse Jackson should go to jail for this murder and take Sharpton with him, might as well get Clarence Thomas in there too and don't forget Obama. This happened on his watch and black people obviously feel specially empowered now, thus it is Obama's fault that they believe they can get away with murder.

    After we jail him, we need to pass some really strict black people control laws.


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