Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Zero Tolerance = Zero Brains

Zachary’s offense? Taking a camping utensil that can serve as a knife, fork and spoon to school. [More]
George Evans, you're an idiot.

[Via Zachary G]


  1. "Political correctness is just tyranny with manners."~Charleton Heston. But this isn't even mannerly, it's just moronic. Zachary sounds like a great kid. The school officials are wasting good oxygen. Stupid people shouldn't breed!

  2. Apparently, the school board has reversed itself, after a nationwide public outcry.

  3. Which just goes to show that they're lying when they say their hands are tied.

  4. Amen to that, David!

  5. Why is a child this bright (or any other child) being placed on the altar of Public Education?? It boggles my mind.

    "Yipeee! I just won the "right" to send my kid back to Government Indoctrination Camp! Yay!!"

    Don't mind me. I'm ranting.

  6. Once I had a vice principal tell me that she had to eject a child from elementary school for making the image of a gun with his finger & thumb.

    When I told her how stupid that was her jaw almost hit the floor. "But our policy is zero tolerance" she said.

    I told her that they hide behind their "zero tolerance" policies when they stop using common sense. She was mortified. They just don't get it. They manage with their feelings rather than with their brains.

  7. Wild Deuce's "rant" is right. As the father of 3 home schooled kids (2 now in college) I can not understand the parent's desire to return their child to the NEA's indoctrination camp.
    People often asked me about socialization of my kids when they found out we home schooled. The best answer I could come up with was that I didn't intend to raise Socialists. Wehn they protested that was not what they meant, I countered with the question, "Would you rather have your kids learn social interaction from their peers, or from responsible adults?
    But home schooling requires personal sacrifice and responsibility, neither of which are understood by today's self-seekers.

  8. Zero-minus tolerance extends to colleges and universities.

    Just ask Billy Mims!

  9. What is in violation of the rules is impossible to know in advance, since it exists solely inside the mind of the administration. Compliance is impossible.

    This is absolutely ridiculous for a first offense, no one bothered to establish intent, and it sounds to me like the administration is using suspension to get a student out of the school. This was such a problem in Connecticut, that the CGA passed a law where all public schools are required to submit individual discipline records so that school systems which abuse suspensions for the purposes of excluding problem students are held accountable for those policies which create academic failure.

    Not an apples-to-oranges camparison with a six year-old, but still, I have questions about how a local school board has the power to place a local student out-of-district, and who pays the tuition.

  10. TJP, - what is this "first offense" crap? When I was this kid's age, my peers brought their .22 rifles to school - and they had pockets full of ammunition and all sorts of knives, etc.!! Nobody even blinked. It was NORMAL.

    The "offense" here is purely a manifestation of the idiocy and evil of those now in charge of these bogus "schools."

    Get your children (and grandchildren) OUT, NOW.

  11. we need to roll back the "zero tolerance" crap, Nuremberg eliminated the "just following orders" defense.

    This goes for "only ones" following policy (THE POLICY MUST CHANGE) and administrators and zero tolerance.

    If you have no capability to think and discriminate the asinine from the sensible punishments you have no place in society, join a cult, lop off your balls and drink the kool-aid someplace is after all, for the children (and the planet)!

  12. Jerri Lynn Ward10/14/2009 8:54 PM

    "They manage with their feelings rather than with their brains."

    So why would any responsible parent put their children at the mercy of such cretins?

  13. MamaLiberty,

    I regret to inform you that your public schools are practice for either prison or re-education camp.

  14. I hate to point this out, but it's not just the public schools it is todays society, We are a society of fear, mistrust, and paranoia.
    There are too many people in this country afraid to live. We have lobbiest to fight against this and others against that, and every time some group wins a fight against what they don't like instead of working thier problrms out themselves, we give away more of our freedom.

  15. Jerri Lynn Ward,
    You said "So why would any responsible parent put their children at the mercy of such cretins?"

    You may be in a situation where you have a choice to home school. If so, good for you. Or maybe you don't have children.
    We all have our reasons for what we do. I don't have the option to home school and I don't have the option to send to private school.
    What I do is to stand up to idiocy and stand up for my children.

  16. The slave mentality in school administrations is mind boggling for those that use their minds. So, this innocent little kid wants to use his camping tool for food but the school is afraid he could use it as a weapon. So the school wants to send him to a reform school so that he can associate with not-so-innocent children that will teach him to use his implement as a weapon.

  17. straightarrow10/15/2009 12:43 PM

    We used to go out at recess in grade school and play games with our knives. There were at least three popular games involving throwing them. And of course we always carried an extra "drop" knife. Any of you remember that.

    Our teachers, mostly women, knew about it and could show a newbie how to throw it so it would stick.

    I look back and am amazed that our feminine gentle and ladylike women of that day were better men than most males of today.

    As for zero tolerance policies they should be called "cowardly avoidance of responsibility" policies.

  18. Tom, I would argue that it wasn't until after My Lai that the concept of individual responsibility for following illegal orders became clearly established.

    That said, I am absolutely awestruck at the stupidity of public (and some private) schools.


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