Monday, November 09, 2009

Bend it Like Adolf

British youth: Hitler was a soccer coach [More]
Across the pond in Sarah Brady Paradise 'n all...


  1. That is more than pathetic. And sadly, our own children are headed down the same road with all of the liberals in charge of education.

  2. The holocaust is the celebration of the end of WWII?!?!?!?! We are doomed.

  3. Here's a few things that both the UK and the US could be doing:

    Buy less computers and more blackboards.

    Decentralize education and get national government OUT entirely.

    Treat political correctness like it was the swine flu.

    Arrange for teachers to be paid according to the grades of their students.

  4. Agree, agree, agree, and disagree. This last one creates impetus for "social promotion".

    During the stock bubble, when just about every idiot had a job, approximately 1 in 20 remained unemployed. Society will always have a group of unmentionables, and they will have a hard time doing anything except multiply. (And even then, I'm sure that occurs only after a variety of the incorrect sort of holes are tried.)

  5. straightarrow11/09/2009 4:35 PM

    Our children are not one damn bit better informed than those highlighted in this article, Hell, our adults aren't either.

    Talk to any teacher younger than 50, and you're talking a functional ignoramus. And quite a few over 50 make the list,also.

  6. Tell me why we - as a society - cannot require *TEMPORARY* but controlled birth-control for anyone on welfare?

    Once a month, you must come in to get your check. You get "The Shot" (or Norplant if you'd prefer) and a urine drug-screen, THEN you get your check.

    Those who can document a medical problem prohibiting the birth-control must sign a document acknowledging their understanding that any pregnancy while on "the dole" will result in a permanent, lifetime ban, and if you can't support and provide for your child we'll place them with someone who can.

    Nobody is forced to do this - you always have the option to support yourself.

    Like any other decent parent, we have the right to set the rules for those living under our roof, eating our food, etc. Period.

  7. Are you smarter than an American 8th grader?

    Trick question -- it's from 1954:

  8. I don't know DD, why can't we just require that at least one parent has a job and a pay stub before we give welfare checks?

    I don't buy into any congressional voter bribe schemes, nor am I comfortable with government-mandated sterility--or the cost of it, for that matter.

    The last and least efficient choice is the federal government. These things are better handled by non-profit shelters, food banks and churches, and always have been.

  9. Teachers, while tax-fatted oportunists in general, are not the main problem. The main problems are parents (well, lack thereof) and "education" programs in colleges. The teachers' unions are a secondary concern at this point, and easy to break after you address the main issues.

  10. TJP: I agree completely, but figure we MIGHT be able to re-introduce personal responsibility incrementally - the reverse of the incremental process that got us where we are.

    Attempting to end it all at once would only cause massive rioting and bloodshed.

    As to the OP, yes -- kids are woefully ignorant but one must wonder about the mechanisms used in this "study."

    Kids will demonstrate their disdain for much of this nonsense just like we did when I was one of them...

    All the "drug abuse studies" they made us fill out - most of us deliberately picked the most ridiculous answers:

    Yes, I mainline heroin 4x/day.
    Yes, I have group sex and practice bestiality - often simultaneously.
    Yes, I smoke LSD (of COURSE I know... Duh...) at least 6 times a week.

    First one must determine the validity of the data-set.

    I'm not saying I think our kids are educated, but mine sure as hell are (because I MADE IT SO.)


  11. PS: I'm not for "government mandated sterility" - you have the right to breed all you want but WHILE ON THE DOLE you'll ensure you don't compound your irresponsibility.

    Birth Control does not equal "sterility". As to cost, it's a lot cheaper for us to pay for a shot than it is for us to raise another kid for 18 years...


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