Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Forget it Jake

It's Chi-Town. [More]

[Via lots of you]


  1. broken link?

  2. straightarrow11/17/2009 4:44 PM

    Wonder how far he had to walk after shooting himself to throw his dead body in the Chicago River?

  3. Yup SA, another one gets Fosterized.

  4. So youse guys are implyin' he had somethin' on Tim-Tom?

  5. I think if a guy spends enough time in a corrupt political machine and reaches a certain age, the conscience tends to catch up to you. He was either murdered/hit because he was about to let a lot of cats out of the bag or it was a suicide simply motivated by his own regrets.

  6. All I'm saying is that this illness is difficult to understand. It is not known why Mr. Scott succumbed, but it would be a great disservice for us to start questioning what happened. On the one hand--

    hold on this isn't working, we need theme music

    --on the one hand, we wish knew why. On the other hand, we don't. We strongly suggest no one attempt to do so, since the cause of Mr. Scott's passing was clearly the taking of his own life. He was part of the family; a family built on respect for certain appointed positions, for example. Sometimes, when proper respect is not shown, the shame of such conduct may cause a person to, quote, take his own life, unquote.

    DISCLAIMER: The post contains 90% hyperbole and 10% post-consumer content (bullshit). Any similarity to events, or people living or dead (but still voting in the next elections), is unintended and entirely coincidental.


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