Monday, November 02, 2009

It Don't Mean a Thing if It Ain't Got That Sting

Or even if it does, apparently. [More]

Annette Elliott of the Westland Mall Gun Show tells Furious Mike to go pound salt or sand or whatever the right term is to tell him to go **** himself...

Good lady.


  1. straightarrow11/02/2009 2:52 PM

    The comments at the end of the article suggest that there is very little understanding on the part of the commenters. I didn't directly address the Bloomberg issue but did post a comment, I hope gets some of them to think instead of just regurgitate the same stupid talking points they here from newscasters and politicians. here it is;

    The simple fact is not one gun law is legal. The second amendment prohibits infringement of the right of the people to keep and bear arms, therefore every gun control law now on the books is illegal, despite the dishonest rulings in the courts.

    Further, as a practical matter, gun control laws do nothing of benefit to society. In fact, they actually harm society by creating a supply of helpless victims for those predators among us who pay no attention to law.

    There are no legitimate prior restraint laws, in any societal arena. Prior restraint laws assume guilt based on possible, potential, maybe, could, sort of be, illegal future behavior. Taken to its logical conclusion every carpenter is a hammer murderer waiting to happen, every butcher is a knife murderer, every human with genitals is either a rapist or prostitute or both, every driver is vehicular killer, well by now you should have the idea. Be very careful what you will accept in prior restraint on others, because once the precedent achieves wide acceptance, it's your turn next. Think, I'm out in left field? Google Rev. Niemoller.

    If laws against murder with their harsh punishments for breaking that law are insufficient to stay the hand of the criminal, why would anyone believe a law against possession of a tool stop them?

    And lastly, good citizens do not become bad citizens because they are armed, therefore truncating their rights accomplishes nothing except to make them vulnerable to the predators.

    Is that what you wish for yourself? Remember what you provide in this society for some eventually ensnares all.

  2. I think the gun show sellers are on to Bloomberg, in that a real straw purchaser wouldn't admit to not passing a background check. The sellers will sell to anyone legal, including a Bloomberg puppet.


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