Monday, November 30, 2009

Meanwhile, Over in Tim-Tom* Paradise...

9 Slain In Bloody Holiday Weekend [More]
Forget it Jake, it's Chi-Town.



  1. Reading that article was surreal...

    I am at a total loss for words.

    Bedlam, thats the only word that could describe it.

  2. could this happen? Guns aren't allowed in Chicago! It must be a mistake.


  3. straightarrow11/30/2009 11:17 PM

    Mistake my ass! It is exactly what the PTB in Chicago want. Keep the people in a panic and promise to protect them, stay in power. Simple.

    The criminals and the politicians (but I repeat myself) have a symbiotic relationship that profits them both in their parasitic feeding off the body public.

  4. The place is nuts. People are shooting each other often in the streets, with murder/suicide seemingly a late night favorite. I'll bet if they ban guns, this will all stop.What? Never mind.


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