Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Go Ask Alice

Common sense tells you a handgun is probably not even all that useful. Suppose an intruder sneaks past the doorman or jumps the security fence at night. By the time you pull the pistol out of your wife’s jewelry safe, find the ammunition, and load your weapon, Fifi the Pomeranian has already been taken hostage and the gun won’t do you any good. [More]
Then quickly forget everything she has to say on the subject of armed defense.

Alice is right about the difficulty ordinary mortals have getting carry permits in Furious Mike Paradise, but Goldman Sachs bigwigs are hardly ordinary mortals. So I'm sure the better-connected flimflam men, you know, the ones most responsible for incurring the wrath of their vict...uh...ruined individuals and tax cows milked for bailout money, won't alter their support for politicians who push disarmament policies one little bit.

Hell, they can afford it.

[Via M. Terry and Jeet]


  1. Ah, you saw that, and commented on it.


    P.S. You missed the obvious "Alice in Wonderland" jokes. ;)

  2. straightarrow12/02/2009 11:54 AM

    Uh, that would be "Alice in Dumberland", Mack.

  3. That's okay. Too many knowledgeable people are watching. Disarmers don't realize that invented points of argument are easily spotted, and even easier to refute by the knowledgeable. Continuing with this technique hurts disarmer credibility, and I'm all for that!

  4. Perhaps Goldman Sachs bankers should be referred to as "unindicted co-conspirators."

    Apparently, only friends of Furious Mike - who milk taxpayers out of bailout money - and Only Ones, have the right to self defense in New Yawk.

  5. And antivenin isn't that useful against snake bites if you have to apply for a permit to use it, pass a background check, and then survive a 3 day waiting period either. You can render ANY useful thing pointless by the application of statist stupidity.

  6. David,

    I originally saw this article at Redstate. Which led to this:

    God, Guns, and Goldman:

    The NYPD confirmed that, in fact, senior-level Goldman executives are now packing heat to protect themselves from... us?

    So, let's get this straight. Goldman Sachs orchestrates a financial ruse of global proportions, crashes the US economy and the economies of our closest friends, takes billions of our tax dollars to cover their behinds while millions of us lose our homes, our jobs, and our savings - and now they're scared of us because we're calling for reform?

  7. Oh, like I'm gonna leave my self-defense gun locked up, unloaded, and unavailable to me.

    Quit eating the damn mushroom, Alice!

  8. straightarrow12/03/2009 3:33 PM

    I can hear them now, "ain't fair I was shot with an unregistered gun by someone who couldn't get Bloomberg's permission, just ain't fair."


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