Thursday, December 31, 2009

"Heavily Armed"

Shkupolli killed his ex-girlfriend in a nearby apartment with an unlicensed handgun before heading to the mall, Kaski said...

...[P]olice launched a manhunt for the heavily armed killer. [More]
What can I say, except "Authorized Journalists"...?

[Via Mama Liberty]

UPDATE: Nice to see some common sense being considered amidst all the hysteria.

[Via David R]


  1. Guy's got a handgun, and he's "heavily armed"?

    But you can bet that everyone else at the mall is "heavily DISarmed"!

  2. @Crotalus:

    That's an instant classic "Heavily DISarmed."

  3. Since disarmers got everything they wanted, including across-the-board de facto citizen gun bans, the only choice left is to punish people not involved in any way. That class of people eventually grows to include everyone but the ruling elite. No matter how tyrannical they become, though, it will never assuage the guilt of failure.

    Failure Control--that's a more appropriate term, isn't it?

  4. straightarrow12/31/2009 5:01 PM

    They might also look at people with names like Ibrahim. I suppose doing something about people who do these things is not nearly as safe as further abusing the already peacable.

    How does that make them different from Ibrahim Shkupolli? Both cause the death of innocents.

  5. What the hell is a "straining order"?
    Sounds like a government mandated exercise program.

  6. straightarrow1/01/2010 2:05 AM

    Well, it could be a cure for constipation or a baby delivery,jselvy.


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