Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Sarah Brady Paradise...

Why can't the English...

...be more like the Africans?

Give them time.

1 comment:

  1. hah, "communalism." why not just come out and say communism?

    and why doesn't the article mention the cultural linchpin from whence western individualism comes from? genesis 2:24, the nuclear family. this is the the natural boundary of commune-like behavior. no need to point out our history, right? we're busy pretending like its our form of government that makes us free and prosperous. marxists are happy to think: why not take them at face value? the same logic as ralph peters on muslims, no less.

    i guess it would be too horrifyingly inconvenient to point out to "progressive" brits that the bible mandates the foundation of economic success, of free markets, of free people.


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