Monday, December 14, 2009

That All Depends on the Meaning of the Word "Visionary"

A strong case can be made that when it comes to energy and climate issues, Mr. Bloomberg is the most visionary public official in the country. [More]
If by "visionary" you mean nightmarish and hallucinatory, I guess...
This is not Bloombergian hypocrisy; it is a paradox, shared by most of humankind...It is probably not a good idea for the rest of us to look down our noses at people who cannot resist such temptations until we can afford them ourselves.
No, it's hypocrisy. And it would not be if "we" could afford it, if by "we' you mean people like me. That's because "we" don't believe in using state-backed coercion to ram this crap down other people's throats.

But you do, Jim Dwyer--which makes your excuse-making a disgusting display of "urinealistic" servicing of Furious Mike.

And that's a vision I could do without...


  1. As always, good for me, but not for thee, ya damn pesants!

  2. I've long pondered the distinction between a "vision" and a hallucination. I suppose it would depend on the quality of one's drug of choice. For Mikey B, the drug of choice seems to be power.

  3. I noticed the writer stressed the mayor's CO2 emissions. Has anybody in the MS (BS) media determined his methane emissions. Most, if not all, of his rhetoric concerning gun control seems to be issuing from his nether regions.


  4. No doubt 70 years ago, Mr. Dwyer would have pointed out that Hitler painted roses, and did it fairly well. His love of those particular flora and his dedication to the destruction of ... well, most people... would have been "paradoxical." Therefore excused.
    No doubt Mr. Dwyer will be one of the last Authorized Journalists to be muzzled by his government. It is a very old game he is playing, currying favor with the assumed Winning Side.


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