Wednesday, December 30, 2009

We're the Only Ones Dreamy Enough

She may have been sick. [More]
I don't know what is more outrageous--this government parasite or the commentators defending her.


  1. David, isn't New York (state) a lost cause? Unionized, with Sheeple citizens. Shameful.

    I read "A Safe Seat" -- how embarrassing for the so-called Republicans.

    Those who are unwilling to defend our REPUBLIC should stop calling themselves republicans.

  2. "I don't know what is more outrageous--this government parasite or the commentators defending her."

    They probably all vote too. Some more than others....

    Forget it: It's New York City. :-)

  3. We caught one down here in Houston a couple years ago; a woman Metro (govt monopoly trainset agency)cop out like a light in her squad car.

    Of course the 'disciplinary procedures' were deemed confidential and as far as we know sleeping beauty is still on the job, ticketing motorists instead of watching the parking lots at the bus stations.

  4. At the unit where I'm employed fellow correctional officers have died on the way home from work after being on duty so many hours they couldn't stay awake while driving their cars.

    One correctional company I worked for required transport officers to wear alarms that would wake them up if they nodded off while driving. Obviously, the company was well aware they were overworking the officers, otherwise why did the administration determine the alarms were necessary?

    If this woman was partying the night before, she has no reasonable excuse for sleeping on the job. If she had worked two or three 8-12 hour shifts ...???

    We need to verify facts and not rush to judgment.


  5. Two words: Affirmative Action


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