Tuesday, December 22, 2009

We're the Only Ones Striking Enough

A detective with the South Bend Police Department was arrested early Saturday after allegedly beating her husband, also a South Bend cop, in their home, police said. [More]
So why would this be an "Only Ones" story? I mean, everybody I know gets drunk and smacks their spouses around while the kids are in the next room, too.

Doesn't everyone?

Hel-lo Lautenberg...

So if they don't get divorced and live apart, where will he be able to keep his guns?

[Via klamb]


  1. If she's convicted of a family violence offense Lautenberg's ugly face will arise on the scene. The husband will not be able to own personal firearms either if Indiana is a community property state. What's his is hers. He will also be required to keep his city owned firearms out of what will be seen as her "possession". That is, out of the home. Lautenberg did not write in exceptions for military or "only ones".

    This might be worth keeping an eye on. The powers that be will probably allow a plea on a lesser charge that won't involve family violence. If, they even go that far.


  2. straightarrow12/22/2009 3:40 PM

    Whatever they must do to give her a pass, they will do. The law is not for them, haven't they made that plain enough,yet?

  3. Interesting how in the comments section, several female posters commented that he must have done something to deserve his beating.

    Try flying that one if the sex of the victim is reversed: "Yeah, he beat the crap outta her, but she must have done something to deserve it."

    The mindset of some of these people shows the use of emotion rather than logic. Just like the anti-Bill of Rights folks. Emotion instead of logic.

    I imagine Straightarrow has it pretty much pegged.

  4. Gosh, this seems similar to an episode of The Closer just aired on TNT, Dead Man's Hand.


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