Monday, December 21, 2009

Who Says...

...we're going to run? [More]


  1. "Except in the United States, where it became a very contentious talking point, the US still holding firmly to the 18th-century idea that power should lie with the will of the people."

    Yep, us damn Yankees, always f*cking it all up for the enlightened leaders. Why can't we just see that resistance is futile? I mean, really, how crazy is that? Leaders accoutable to the people that elect them and put their trust in them? Everybody knows that positions of power are there to be abused as much as possible!

  2. My favorite so far is the comment by eric on December 21, 2009 at 11:11 PM: "There seem to be an unbelievable amount of people that still somehow believe that a gun will stave off socialism, tyrrany, injustice, suffering, etc. This is no longer the case. There is no violent rebellion of the American people that can not be put down by the US Army or NATO. We no longer need to hunt for food or fear our neighbor or invasion. History is history. Put down your guns. They no longer have meaning. The only way to instigate change is through thoughtful intellect and communication. The time for guns, my friends, is over. In fact, living in New York City, I would far prefer if guns were entirely banned from civilian use. Although they may have served a purpose in the past- you all need to face the facts GUNS ARE DEAD AND PURPOSELESS IN MODERN SOCIETY. Drop your weapons and start thinking."

  3. straightarrow12/21/2009 8:41 PM

    Let's assume (falsely) that eric is correct. Ok, everybody on board with that stupid assumption?

    Here we go. We will still have the satisfaction of making sure a Hell of a lot of people who think like him and work against our desire for freedom will not survive their side's victory.

    For me, that is enough. Should I survive it and better yet my side be victorious would be grand beyond anything I can imagine. But, if I must I will settle for denying as many of them as possible the joy of living to see their victory.

    Now, I hope it doesn't come to that, but hey, it's their band, they're calling the tunes, how I dance to them is entirely up to me.

    I can't imagine, though, that anyone could lose to such an unintelligent bunch who cannot see what they are subjecting everyone to, including themselves. To date we have tried to address them in moderate fashion in traditional forums with unassailable logic proven in the crucible of history to be correct. Yet, they insist on pushing for their own destruction.

    Is it arrogance of the child playing cowboys and indians who never thinks about losing because that would just be unthinkable, or is just sheer stupidity. Either way, if Eric were correct he should live in perpetual terror of what he has wrought and what is likely to be visited upon him and his ilk.

  4. Eric seems to have subscribed to the proposition that "violence is never the answer".

    My friends, there are times when violence is the ONLY answer. There are antagonists who understand only violence. Any other response will be considered as weakness and cowardice on your part.

    The key is to always do the unexpected. Hurt the other guy quickly and hurt him badly enough to get his mind off hurting you. Hurt him in such a manner that he will remember you for every minute of his life for as long as he lives. Make your antagonist regret ever knowing you, make him curse your name on a daily basis, and make him extremely hesitant to ever make the mistake of crossing your path again. And, always work from a position of strength. Cheat. Win. The prize could very well be your life.


  5. Eric is a sheeple. His and the other sheeple's thinking and voting has led us to this point. They have no idea what they have done until we have no freedoms. This country began its fall to this point when we went from a self reliant, hard working rural society to this metro, big city, me me me society that these urbanites expect someone else to take care of them and do not know what to do when the lights go out. Except maybe light a joint, grab a glass of wine and wait for someone to fix the problem. These people actually believe taking our guns away will remove all guns? They are dumber then the pavement they are standing on!! I hope it never comes to pushing and shoving, but if it does.....I will be glad I am a pew jumping, bible clinging, gun toting American and so are many of my friends and family!!

  6. Wow, Eric is a real winner. "Give up now, abandon all hope! Bow and get your brain chip now! OBEY OBEY OBEY!" Go get some new pants, you've pissed yourself, Eric.

  7. Wow! Eric didn't even give ay arguments. He just commanded us to submit to the Communist mantra.

  8. straightarrow12/22/2009 2:53 AM

    www +1, hurt 'em bad, hurt 'em quickly, make sure they never want a rematch, if any doubt, make sure they are incapable of seeking a rematch.

  9. www is on the mark. Stupid should hurt, and swift retribution helps to keep your enemy off balance and thinking on a line that you proscribe for them. There is no such thing as an over-the-top response to those that wish to take your freedom and your life. Hit hard, hit fast, survive!

  10. WWW is right on the mark. But I think something in the style of what Eric said is being overlooked. The communists always have tons of propoganda out there, working to get people to not even try. That's all that little bastards screed is, like Viet-Cong using a loudspeaker at night, " GI, GI, you die tonight, GI. Stop fighting GI, you never win anyway,GI I f*** your girlfriend last night, GI, you die tonight." The commies always use a complete lie, repeated thousands of times to get people to stop opposing their plans.

  11. I don't think Eric understands fundamentals of government, thanks to an urban education. Government is the monopolization of the legitimate use of violence in a society. There is no detraction from force in our society, just one organization claiming control of it.

    Maddmedic you might want to study the relationship between Jefferson and Hamilton. Jefferson, being a rural socialist libertarian, and Hamilton being a New York totalitarian elite. The dichotomy between rural and urban life is not much different today, when you look at the relationship from a governing perspective. Urban elites don't like guns because they're surrounded by impoverished people who want things, the elites are afraid the poor folks might just figure out how to take them.

    One thing about folks like Eric - I doubt he has an opinion on socio-economic theory - but his community would probably benefit from a higher tax rate and greater social spending (you can call that socialism, if it makes you happy). By reducing the level of poverty within the community, it is possible to reduce drug use and crime (that's the theory anyways). Of course, a more interested population might make a more honest government - but acting politically is probably not within his scope of day to day activities ---that is his true fault.

  12. Eric'e response reminded me of Col DuBois in "Starship Troopers" (paraquoting here).
    A young girl in his citizenship class proclaimed that her mother told her, "Violence never solved anything."
    Whereupon the Col proceeded to rip her a new one, "Really? Just ask the Carthagenians, and the dodo bird, and the great auk. . ."

    Not to mention our own American Revolution, and Civil War, WWI and WWII. Violence solves a great many problems. And it may be called upon to solve many more problems.

    Keep your powder dry,
    B Woodman

  13. "In fact, living in New York City, I would far prefer if guns were entirely banned from civilian use."
    They are already banned for civilian, private use in NYC aren't they?
    I mean you have to be a connected member of the master class to get a permit. Thus, you have a de facto ban.
    I don't see where anything is better.


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